Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Structural and immunologic correlates of chemically stabilized HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins

Schiffner T, Pallesen J, Russell RA, Dodd J, de Val N, LaBranche CC, Montefiori D, Tomaras GD, Shen X, Harris SL, Moghaddam AE, Kalyuzhniy O, Sanders RW, McCoy LE, Moore JP, Ward AB, Sattentau QJ
PLoS Pathogens May 20, 2018

Inducing broad spectrum neutralizing antibodies against challenging pathogens such as HIV-1 is a major vaccine design goal, but may be hindered by conformational instability within viral envelope glycoproteins (Env). Chemical cross-linking is widely used for vaccine antigen stabilization, but how this process affects structure, antigenicity and immunogenicity is poorly understood and its use remains entirely empirical. We have solved the first cryo-EM structure of a cross-linked vaccine antigen. The 4.2 Å structure of HIV-1 BG505 SOSIP soluble recombinant Env in complex with a CD4 binding site-specific broadly neutralizing antibody (bNAb) Fab fragment reveals how cross-linking affects key properties of the trimer. We observed density corresponding to highly specific glutaraldehyde (GLA) cross-links between gp120 monomers at the trimer apex and between gp120 and gp41 at the trimer interface that had strikingly little impact on overall trimer conformation, but critically enhanced trimer stability and improved Env antigenicity. Cross-links were also observed within gp120 at sites associated with the N241/N289 glycan hole that locally modified trimer antigenicity. In immunogenicity studies, the neutralizing antibody response to cross-linked trimers showed modest but significantly greater breadth against a global panel of difficult-to-neutralize Tier-2 heterologous viruses. Moreover, the specificity of autologous Tier-2 neutralization was modified away from the N241/N289 glycan hole, implying a novel specificity. Finally, we have investigated for the first time T helper cell responses to next-generation soluble trimers, and report on vaccine-relevant immunodominant responses to epitopes within BG505 that are modified by cross-linking. Elucidation of the structural correlates of a cross-linked viral glycoprotein will allow more rational use of this methodology for vaccine design, and reveals a strategy with promise for eliciting neutralizing antibodies needed for an effective HIV-1 vaccine.

Structure of a cleavage-independent HIV Env recapitulates the glycoprotein architecture of the native cleaved trimer

Sarkar A, Bale S, Behrens AJ, Kumar S, Sharma SK, de Val N, Pallesen J, Irimia A, Diwanji DC, Stanfield RL, Ward AB, Crispin M, Wyatt RT, Wilson IA
Nature Communications May 16, 2018

Furin cleavage of the HIV envelope glycoprotein is an essential step for cell entry that enables formation of well-folded, native-like glycosylated trimers, releases constraints on the fusion peptide, and limits enzymatic processing of the N-glycan shield. Here, we show that a cleavage-independent, stabilized, soluble Env trimer mimic (BG505 NFL.664) exhibits a “closed-form”, native-like, prefusion conformation akin to furin-cleaved Env trimers. The crystal structure of BG505 NFL.664 at 3.39 Å resolution with two potent bNAbs also identifies the full epitopes of PGV19 and PGT122 that target the receptor binding site and N332 supersite, respectively. Quantitative site-specific analysis of the glycan shield reveals that native-like glycan processing is maintained despite furin-independent maturation in the secretory pathway. Thus, cleavage-independent NFL Env trimers exhibit quaternary protein and carbohydrate structures similar to the native viral spike that further validate their potential as vaccine immunogen candidates.

cGMP production and analysis of BG505 SOSIP.664, an extensively glycosylated, trimeric HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein vaccine candidate

Dey AK, Cupo A, Ozorowski G, Sharma VK, Behrens AJ, Go EP, Ketas TJ, Yasmeen A, Klasse PJ, Sayeed E, Desaire H, Crispin M, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, Hassell T, Ward AB, Moore JP
Biotechnology and Bioengineering April 20, 2018

We describe the properties of BG505 SOSIP.664 HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimers produced under current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) conditions. These proteins are the first of a new generation of native-like trimers that are the basis for many structure-guided immunogen development programs aimed at devising how to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) to HIV-1 by vaccination. The successful translation of this prototype demonstrates the feasibility of producing similar immunogens on an appropriate scale and of an acceptable quality for Phase I experimental medicine clinical trials. BG505 SOSIP.664 trimers are extensively glycosylated, contain numerous disulfide bonds and require proteolytic cleavage, all properties that pose a substantial challenge to cGMP production. Our strategy involved creating a stable CHO cell line that was adapted to serum-free culture conditions to produce envelope glycoproteins. The trimers were then purified by chromatographic methods using a 2G12 bNAb affinity column and size-exclusion chromatography. The chosen procedures allowed any adventitious viruses to be cleared from the final product to the required extent of >12 log10 . The final cGMP production run yielded 3.52 g (peptidic mass) of fully purified trimers (Drug Substance) from a 200 L bioreactor, a notable yield for such a complex glycoprotein. The purified trimers were fully native-like as judged by negative-stain electron microscopy, and were stable over a multi-month period at room temperature or below and for at least 1 week at 50°C. Their antigenicity, disulfide bond patterns, and glycan composition were consistent with trimers produced on a research laboratory scale. The methods reported here should pave the way for the cGMP production of other native-like Env glycoprotein trimers of various designs and genotypes.

Harnessing Activin A Adjuvanticity to Promote Antibody Responses to BG505 HIV Envelope Trimers

Carnathan DG, Kaushik K, Ellebedy AH, Enemuo CA, Gebru EH, Dhadvai P, Rasheed MAU, Pauthner MG, Ozorowski G, Ahmed R, Burton DR, Ward AB, Silvestri G, Crotty S, Locci M.
Frontiers in Immunology April 3, 2018

T follicular helper (TFH) cells are powerful regulators of affinity matured long-lived plasma cells. Eliciting protective, long-lasting antibody responses to achieve persistent immunity is the goal of most successful vaccines. Thus, there is potential in manipulating TFH cell responses. Herein, we describe an HIV vaccine development approach exploiting the cytokine activin A to improve antibody responses against recombinant HIV Envelope (Env) trimers in non-human primates. Administration of activin A improved the magnitude of Env-specific antibodies over time and promoted a significant increase in Env-specific plasma cells in the bone marrow. The boost in antibody responses was associated with reduced frequencies of T follicular regulatory (TFR) cells and increased germinal center T follicular helper (GC-TFH) to TFR cell ratios. Overall, these findings suggest that adjuvants inducing activin A production could potentially be incorporated in future rational design vaccine strategies aimed at improving germinal centers, long-lived plasma cells, and sustained antibody responses.

Structure and Immune Recognition of the HIV Glycan Shield

Crispin M, Ward AB, Wilson IA
Annual Review of Biophysics March 29, 2018

Vaccine design efforts against the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) have been greatly stimulated by the observation that many infected patients eventually develop highly potent broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). Importantly, these bnAbs have evolved to recognize not only the two protein components of the viral envelope protein (Env) but also the numerous glycans that form a protective barrier on the Env protein. Because Env is heavily glycosylated compared to host glycoproteins, the glycans have become targets for the antibody response. Therefore, considerable efforts have been made in developing and validating biophysical methods to elucidate the complex structure of the Env-spike glycoprotein, with its combination of glycan and protein epitopes. We illustrate here how the application of robust biophysical methods have transformed our understanding of the structure and function of the HIV Env spike and stimulated innovation in vaccine design strategies that takes into account the essential glycan components Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Biophysics Volume 47 is May 20, 2018. Please see for revised estimates.

Envelope proteins of two HIV-1 clades induced different epitope-specific antibody response

Shrivastava T, Samal S, Tyagi AK, Goswami S, Kumar N, Ozorowski G, Ward AB, Chakrabarti BK
Vaccine March 14, 2018

Using HIV-1 envelope protein (Env)-based immunogens that closely mimic the conformation of functional HIV-1 Envs and represent the isolates prevalent in relevant geographical region is considered a rational approach towards developing HIV vaccine. We recently reported that like clade B Env, JRFL, membrane bound Indian clade C Env, 4-2.J41 is also efficiently cleaved and displays desirable antigenic properties for plasmid DNA immunization. Here, we evaluated the immune response in rabbit by injecting the animals with plasmid expressing membrane bound efficiently cleaved 4-2.J41 Env followed by its gp140-foldon (gp140-fd) protein boost. The purified 4-2.J41-gp140-fd protein is recognized by a wide panel of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) including the quaternary conformation-dependent antibody, PGT145 with high affinity. We have also evaluated and compared the quality of antibody response elicited in rabbits after immunizing with plasmid DNA expressing the membrane bound efficiently cleaved Env followed by gp140-fd proteins boost with either of clade C Env, 4-2.J41 or clade B Env, JRFL or in combination. In comparison to JRFL group, 4-2.J41 group elicited autologous as well as limited low level cross clade neutralizing antibody response. Preliminary epitope-mapping of sera from animals show that in contrast to JRFL group, no reactivity to either linear peptides or V3-loop is detected in 4-2.J41 group. Furthermore, the presence of conformation-specific antibody in sera from animals immunized with 4-2.J41 Env is observed. However, unlike JRFL group, in 4-2.J41 group of animals, CD4-binding site-directed antibodies cannot be detected. Additionally, we have demonstrated that the quality of antibody response in combination group is guided by JRFL Env-based immunogen suggesting that the selection and the quality of Envs in multicade candidate vaccine are important factors to elicit desirable response.

Integrity of Glycosylation Processing of a Glycan-Depleted Trimeric HIV‑1 Immunogen Targeting Key B‑Cell Lineages

Behrens AJ, Kumar A, Medina-Ramirez M, Cupo A, Marshall K, Cruz Portillo VM, Harvey DJ, Ozorowski G, Zitzmann N, Wilson IA, Ward AB, Struwe WB, Moore JP, Sanders RW, Crispin M
Journal of Proteome Research March 2, 2018

Broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) that target the trimeric HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein spike (Env) are tools that can guide the design of recombinant Env proteins intended to engage the predicted human germline precursors of bNAbs (gl-bNAbs). The protein components of gl-bNAb epitopes are often masked by glycans, while mature bNAbs can evolve to accommodate or bypass these shielding glycans. The design of germline-targeting Env immunogens therefore includes the targeted deletion of specific glycan sites. However, the processing of glycans on Env trimers can be influenced by the density with which they are packed together, a highly relevant point given the essential contributions under-processed glycans make to multiple bNAb epitopes. We sought to determine the impact of the removal of 15 potential N-glycan sites (5 per protomer) from the germline-targeting soluble trimer, BG505 SOSIP.v4.1-GT1, using quantitative, site-specific N-glycan mass spectrometry analysis. We find that, compared with SOSIP.664, there was little overall change in the glycan profile but only subtle increases in the extent of processing at sites immediately adjacent to where glycans had been deleted. We conclude that multiple glycans can be deleted from BG505 SOSIP trimers without perturbing the overall integrity of the glycan shield.

Rational design of a trispecific antibody targeting the HIV-1 Env with elevated anti-viral activity

Steinhardt JJ, Guenaga J, Turner HL, McKee K, Louder MK, O'Dell S, Chiang CI, Lei L, Galkin A, Andrianov AK, A Doria-Rose N, Bailer RT, Ward AB, Mascola JR, Li Y
Nature Communications Feb. 28, 2018

HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) are being explored as passively administered therapeutic and preventative agents. However, the extensively diversified HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) rapidly acquire mutations to evade individual bNAbs in monotherapy regimens. The use of a “single” agent to simultaneously target distinct Env epitopes is desirable to overcome viral diversity. Here, we report the use of tandem single-chain variable fragment (ScFv) domains of two bNAbs, specific for the CD4-binding site and V3 glycan patch, to form anti-HIV-1 bispecific ScFvs (Bi-ScFvs). The optimal Bi-ScFv crosslinks adjacent protomers within one HIV-1 Env spike and has greater neutralization breadth than its parental bNAbs. Furthermore, the combination of this Bi-ScFv with a third bNAb recognizing the Env membrane proximal external region (MPER) results in a trispecific bNAb, which has nearly pan-isolate neutralization breadth and high potency. Thus, multispecific antibodies combining functional moieties of bNAbs could achieve outstanding neutralization capacity with augmented avidity.

Structure of the mechanically activated ion channel Piezo1

Saotome K, Murthy SE, Kefauver JM, Whitwam T, Patapoutian A, Ward AB
Nature Feb. 22, 2018

Piezo1 and Piezo2 are mechanically activated ion channels that mediate touch perception, proprioception and vascular development. Piezo proteins are distinct from other ion channels and their structure remains poorly defined, which impedes detailed study of their gating and ion permeation properties. Here we report a high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of the mouse Piezo1 trimer. The detergent-solubilized complex adopts a three-bladed propeller shape with a curved transmembrane region containing at least 26 transmembrane helices per protomer. The flexible propeller blades can adopt distinct conformations, and consist of a series of four-transmembrane helical bundles that we term Piezo repeats. Carboxy-terminal domains line the central ion pore, and the channel is closed by constrictions in the cytosol. A kinked helical beam and anchor domain link the Piezo repeats to the pore, and are poised to control gating allosterically. The structure provides a foundation to dissect further how Piezo channels are regulated by mechanical force. The cryo-electron microscopy structure of full-length mouse Piezo1 reveals six Piezo repeats, and 26 transmembrane helices per protomer, and shows that a kinked helical beam and anchor domain link the Piezo repeats to the pore and control gating allosterically. Mechanosensitive cation channels convert external mechanical stimuli into various biological actions, including touch, hearing, balance and cardiovascular regulation. The eukaryotic Piezo proteins are mechanotransduction channels, although their structure and gating mechanisms are not well elucidated. In related papers in this issue of Nature, two groups report cryo-electron microscopy structures of the full-length mouse Piezo1 and reveal three flexible propeller blades. Each blade is made up of at least 26 helices, forming a series of helical bundles, which adopt a curved transmembrane region. A kinked beam and anchor domain link these Piezo repeats to the pore, giving clues as to how the channel responds to membrane tension and mechanical force.

Epitopes for neutralizing antibodies induced by HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein BG505 SOSIP trimers in rabbits and macaques

Klasse PJ, Ketas TJ, Cottrell CA, Ozorowski G, Debnath G, Camara D, Francomano E, Pugach P, Ringe RP, LaBranche CC, van Gils MJ, Bricault CA, Barouch DH, Crotty S, Silvestri G, Kasturi S, Pulendran B, Wilson IA, Montefiori DC, Sanders RW, Ward AB, Moore JP
PLoS Pathogens Feb. 20, 2018

The native-like, soluble SOSIP.664 trimer based on the BG505 clade A env gene of HIV-1 is immunogenic in various animal species, of which the most studied are rabbits and rhesus macaques. The trimer induces autologous neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) consistently but at a wide range of titers and with incompletely determined specificities. A precise delineation of immunogenic neutralization epitopes on native-like trimers could help strategies to extend the NAb response to heterologous HIV-1 strains. One autologous NAb epitope on the BG505 Env trimer is known to involve residues lining a hole in the glycan shield that is blocked by adding a glycan at either residue 241 or 289. This glycan-hole epitope accounts for the NAb response of most trimer-immunized rabbits but not for that of a substantial subset. Here, we have used a large panel of mutant BG505 Env-pseudotyped viruses to define additional sites. A frequently immunogenic epitope in rabbits is blocked by adding a glycan at residue 465 near the junction of the gp120 V5 loop and β24 strand and is influenced by amino-acid changes in the structurally nearby C3 region. We name this new site the “C3/465 epitope”. Of note is that the C3 region was under selection pressure in the infected infant from whom the BG505 virus was isolated. A third NAb epitope is located in the V1 region of gp120, although it is rarely immunogenic. In macaques, NAb responses induced by BG505 SOSIP trimers are more often directed at the C3/465 epitope than the 241/289-glycan hole.

Stabilization of the gp120 V3 loop through hydrophobic interactions reduces the immunodominant V3-directed non-neutralizing response to HIV-1 envelope trimers

de Taeye SW, de la Pena AT, Vecchione A, Scutigliani E, Sliepen K, Burger JA, van der Woude P, Schorcht A, Schermer EE, van Gils MJ, LaBranche CC, Montefiori DC, Wilson IA, Moore JP, Ward AB, Sanders RW
The Journal of Biological Chemistry Feb. 2, 2018

To provide protective immunity against circulating primary HIV-1 strains, a vaccine most likely has to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies to the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) spike. Recombinant Env trimers such as the prototype BG505 SOSIP.664 that closely mimic the native Env spike can induce autologous neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against relatively resistant (tier 2) primary viruses. Ideally, Env immunogens should present broadly neutralizing antibody epitopes but limit the presentation of immunodominant non-NAb epitopes that might induce off-target and potentially interfering responses. The V3 loop in gp120 is such a non-NAb epitope that can effectively elicit non-NAbs when animals are immunized with SOSIP.664 trimers. V3 immunogenicity can be diminished, but not abolished, by reducing the conformational flexibility of trimers via targeted sequence changes, including an A316W substitution in V3, that create the SOSIP.v4.1 and SOSIP.v5.2 variants. Here, we further modified these trimer designs by introducing leucine residues at V3 positions 306 and 308 to create hydrophobic interactions with the tryptophan residue at position 316 and with other topologically proximal sites in the V1V2 domain. Together, these modifications further stabilized the resulting SOSIP.v5.2 S306L/R308L trimers in the prefusion state in which V3 is sequestered. When we tested these trimers as immunogens in rabbits, the induction of V3 non-NAbs was significantly reduced compared with the SOSIP.v5.2 trimers and even more so compared with the SOSIP.664 prototype, without affecting the autologous NAb response. Hence, these additional trimer sequence modifications may be beneficial for immunization strategies that seek to minimize off-target non-NAb responses.

High thermostability improves neutralizing antibody responses induced by native-like HIV-1 envelope trimers

Del Moral-Sánchez I, Russell RA, Schermer EE, Cottrell CA, Allen JD, Torrents de la Peña A, LaBranche CC, Kumar S, Crispin M, Ward AB, Montefiori DC, Sattentau QJ, Sliepen K, Sanders RW.
npj Vaccines Dec. 20, 2017

Soluble HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) immunogens are a prime constituent of candidate vaccines designed to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies. Several lines of evidence suggest that enhancing Env immunogen thermostability can improve neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses. Here, we generated BG505 SOSIP.v9 trimers, which displayed virtually no reactivity with non-neutralizing antibodies and showed increased global and epitope thermostability, compared to previous BG505 SOSIP versions. Chemical crosslinking of BG505 SOSIP.v9 further increased the melting temperature to 91.3 °C, which is almost 25 °C higher than that of the prototype SOSIP.664 trimer. Next, we compared the immunogenicity of a palette of BG505-based SOSIP trimers with a gradient of thermostabilities in rabbits. We also included SOSIP.v9 proteins in which a strain-specific immunodominant epitope was masked by glycans to redirect the NAb response to other subdominant epitopes. We found that increased trimer thermostability correlated with increased potency and consistency of the autologous NAb response. Furthermore, glycan masking steered the NAb response to subdominant epitopes without decreasing the potency of the autologous NAb response. In summary, SOSIP.v9 trimers and their glycan masked versions represent an improved platform for HIV-1 Env based vaccination strategies.

Structural basis for antibody recognition of the NANP repeats in Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein

Oyen D, Torres JL, Wille-Reece U, Ockenhouse CF, Emerling D, Glanville J, Volkmuth W, Flores-Garcia Y, Zavala F, Ward AB, King CR, Wilson IA
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Nov. 28, 2017

Acquired resistance against antimalarial drugs has further increased the need for an effective malaria vaccine. The current leading candidate, RTS,S, is a recombinant circumsporozoite protein (CSP)-based vaccine against Plasmodium falciparum that contains 19 NANP repeats followed by a thrombospondin repeat domain. Although RTS,S has undergone extensive clinical testing and has progressed through phase III clinical trials, continued efforts are underway to enhance its efficacy and duration of protection. Here, we determined that two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs 311 and 317), isolated from a recent controlled human malaria infection trial exploring a delayed fractional dose, inhibit parasite development in vivo by at least 97%. Crystal structures of antibody fragments (Fabs) 311 and 317 with an (NPNA)3 peptide illustrate their different binding modes. Notwithstanding, one and three of the three NPNA repeats adopt similar well-defined type I β-turns with Fab311 and Fab317, respectively. Furthermore, to explore antibody binding in the context of P. falciparum CSP, we used negative-stain electron microscopy on a recombinant shortened CSP (rsCSP) construct saturated with Fabs. Both complexes display a compact rsCSP with multiple Fabs bound, with the rsCSP–Fab311 complex forming a highly organized helical structure. Together, these structural insights may aid in the design of a next-generation malaria vaccine.

Time-course, negative-stain electron microscopy–based analysis for investigating protein–protein interactions at the single-molecule level

Nogal B, Bowman CA, Ward AB
The Journal of Biological Chemistry Nov. 24, 2017

Several biophysical approaches are available to study protein–protein interactions. Most approaches are conducted in bulk solution, and are therefore limited to an average measurement of the ensemble of molecular interactions. Here, we show how single-particle EM can enrich our understanding of protein–protein interactions at the single-molecule level and potentially capture states that are unobservable with ensemble methods because they are below the limit of detection or not conducted on an appropriate time scale. Using the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) and its interaction with receptor CD4-binding site neutralizing antibodies as a model system, we both corroborate ensemble kinetics-derived parameters and demonstrate how time-course EM can further dissect stoichiometric states of complexes that are not readily observable with other methods. Visualization of the kinetics and stoichiometry of Env–antibody complexes demonstrated the applicability of our approach to qualitatively and semi-quantitatively differentiate two highly similar neutralizing antibodies. Furthermore, implementation of machine-learning techniques for sorting class averages of these complexes into discrete subclasses of particles helped reduce human bias. Our data provide proof of concept that single-particle EM can be used to generate a “visual” kinetic profile that should be amenable to studying many other protein–protein interactions, is relatively simple and complementary to well-established biophysical approaches. Moreover, our method provides critical insights into broadly neutralizing antibody recognition of Env, which may inform vaccine immunogen design and immunotherapeutic development.

Structure-based design of native-like HIV-1 envelope trimers to silence non-neutralizing epitopes and eliminate CD4 binding

Kulp DW, Steichen JM, Pauthner M, Hu X, Schiffner T, Liguori A, Cottrell CA, Havenar-Daughton C, Ozorowski G, Georgeson E, Kalyuzhniy O, Willis JR, Kubitz M, Adachi Y, Reiss SM, Shin M, de Val N, Ward AB, Crotty S, Burton DR, Schief WR
Nature Communications Nov. 21, 2017

Elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) is a primary HIV vaccine goal. Native-like trimers mimicking virion-associated spikes present nearly all bnAb epitopes and are therefore promising vaccine antigens. However, first generation native-like trimers expose epitopes for non-neutralizing antibodies (non-nAbs), which may hinder bnAb induction. We here employ computational and structure-guided design to develop improved native-like trimers that reduce exposure of non-nAb epitopes in the V3-loop and trimer base, minimize both CD4 reactivity and CD4-induced non-nAb epitope exposure, and increase thermal stability while maintaining bnAb antigenicity. In rabbit immunizations with native-like trimers of the 327c isolate, improved trimers suppress elicitation of V3-directed and tier-1 neutralizing antibodies and induce robust autologous tier-2 neutralization, unlike a first-generation trimer. The improved native-like trimers from diverse HIV isolates, and the design methods, have promise to assist in the development of a HIV vaccine.

HIV Envelope Glycoform Heterogeneity and Localized Diversity Govern the Initiation and Maturation of a V2 Apex Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Lineage

Landais E, Murrell B, Briney B, Murrell S, Rantalainen K, Berndsen ZT, Ramos A, Wickramasinghe L, Smith ML, Eren K, de Val N, Wu M, Cappelletti A, Umotoy J, Lie Y, Wrin T, Algate P, Chan-Hui PY, Karita E, Ward AB, Wilson IA, Burton DR, Smith D, Pond SLK, Poignard P
Immunity Nov. 21, 2017

Understanding how broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) to HIV envelope (Env) develop during natural infection can help guide the rational design of an HIV vaccine. Here, we described a bnAb lineage targeting the Env V2 apex and the Ab-Env co-evolution that led to development of neutralization breadth. The lineage Abs bore an anionic heavy chain complementarity-determining region 3 (CDRH3) of 25 amino acids, among the shortest known for this class of Abs, and achieved breadth with only 10% nucleotide somatic hypermutation and no insertions or deletions. The data suggested a role for Env glycoform heterogeneity in the activation of the lineage germ-line B cell. Finally, we showed that localized diversity at key V2 epitope residues drove bnAb maturation toward breadth, mirroring the Env evolution pattern described for another donor who developed V2-apex targeting bnAbs. Overall, these findings suggest potential strategies for vaccine approaches based on germline-targeting and serial immunogen design.

Structure-based design of native-like HIV-1 envelope trimers to silence non-neutralizing epitopes and eliminate CD4 binding

Kulp DW, Steichen JM, Pauthner M, Hu X, Schiffner T, Liguori A, Cottrell CA, Havenar-Daughton C, Ozorowski G, Georgeson E, Kalyuzhniy O, Willis JR, Kubitz M, Adachi Y, Reiss SM, Shin M, de Val N, Ward AB, Crotty S, Burton DR, Schief WR
Nature Communications Nov. 21, 2017

Elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) is a primary HIV vaccine goal. Native-like trimers mimicking virion-associated spikes present nearly all bnAb epitopes and are therefore promising vaccine antigens. However, first generation native-like trimers expose epitopes for non-neutralizing antibodies (non-nAbs), which may hinder bnAb induction. We here employ computational and structure-guided design to develop improved native-like trimers that reduce exposure of non-nAb epitopes in the V3-loop and trimer base, minimize both CD4 reactivity and CD4-induced non-nAb epitope exposure, and increase thermal stability while maintaining bnAb antigenicity. In rabbit immunizations with native-like trimers of the 327c isolate, improved trimers suppress elicitation of V3-directed and tier-1 neutralizing antibodies and induce robust autologous tier-2 neutralization, unlike a first-generation trimer. The improved native-like trimers from diverse HIV isolates, and the design methods, have promise to assist in the development of a HIV vaccine.