Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

The HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein C3/V4 Region Defines a Prevalent Neutralization Epitope following Immunization

Lei L, Yang YR, Tran K, Wang Y, Chiang CI, Ozorowski G, Xiao Y, Ward AB, Wyatt RT, Li Y.
Cell Reports April 9, 2019

Despite recent progress in engineering native trimeric HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) mimics as vaccine candidates, Env trimers often induce vaccine-matched neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses. Understanding the specificities of autologous NAb responses and the underlying molecular mechanisms restricting the neutralization breadth is therefore informative to improve vaccine efficacy. Here, we delineate the response specificity by single B cell sorting and serum analysis of guinea pigs immunized with BG505 SOSIP.664 Env trimers. Our results reveal a prominent immune target containing both conserved and strain-specific residues in the C3/V4 region of Env in trimer-vaccinated animals. The defined NAb response shares a high degree of similarity with the early NAb response developed by a naturally infected infant from whom the HIV virus strain BG505 was isolated and later developed a broadly NAb response. Our study describes strain-specific responses and their possible evolution pathways, thereby highlighting the potential to broaden NAb responses by immunogen re-design.

Antibody responses to viral infections: a structural perspective across three different enveloped viruses

Murin CD, Wilson IA, Ward AB.
Nature microbiology March 18, 2019

Antibodies serve as critical barriers to viral infection. Humoral immunity to a virus is achieved through the dual role of antibodies in communicating the presence of invading pathogens in infected cells to effector cells and interfering with processes essential to the viral lifecycle, chiefly entry into the host cell. For individuals that successfully control infection, virus-elicited antibodies can provide lifelong surveillance and protection from future insults. One approach to understand the nature of a successful immune response has been to utilize structural biology to uncover the molecular details of the antibodies derived from vaccines or natural infection and how they interact with their cognate microbial antigens. The ability to isolate antigen specific B-cells and rapidly solve structures of functional, monoclonal antibodies in complex with viral glycoprotein surface antigens has greatly expanded our knowledge of the sites of vulnerability on viruses. In this review, we compare the adaptive humoral immune responses to HIV, influenza, and filoviruses, with a particular focus on neutralizing antibodies. The pathogenesis of each of these viruses is quite different, providing an opportunity for comparison of immune responses: HIV causes a persistent, chronic infection; influenza an acute infection with multiple exposures during a lifetime and annual vaccination; and filoviruses, a virulent, acute infection. Neutralizing antibodies that develop under these different constraints are therefore sentinels that can provide insight into the underlying humoral immune responses and important lessons to guide future development of vaccines and immunotherapeutics.

Playing Chess with HIV

Ward AB
Immunity Feb. 19, 2019

HIV envelope glycoprotein (Env) exhibits extreme antigenic variation that can be countered by an amazing class of immunoglobulins known as broadly neutralizing antibodies. Dingens et al. (2019) use saturating mutagenesis of Env to play out all of the potential bnAb escape strategies and in doing so define the functional epitopes of these important vaccine and immunotherapeutic targets.

Capturing the inherent structural dynamics of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein fusion peptide

Kumar S, Sarkar A, Pugach P, Sanders RW, Moore JP, Ward AB, Wilson IA.
Nature Communications Feb. 15, 2019

The N-terminal fusion peptide (FP) of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) gp41 subunit plays a critical role in cell entry. However, capturing the structural flexibility in the unbound FP is challenging in the native Env trimer. Here, FP conformational isomerism is observed in two crystal structures of a soluble clade B transmitted/founder virus B41 SOSIP.664 Env with broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) PGT124 and 35O22 to aid in crystallization and that are not specific for binding to the FP. Large rearrangements in the FP and fusion peptide proximal region occur around M530, which remains anchored in the tryptophan clasp (gp41 W623, W628, W631) in the B41 Env prefusion state. Further, we redesigned the FP at position 518 to reinstate the bNAb VRC34.01 epitope. These findings provide further structural evidence for the dynamic nature of the FP and how a bNAb epitope can be restored during vaccine design.

Developability Assessment of Physicochemical Properties and Stability Profiles of HIV-1 BG505 SOSIP.664 and BG505 SOSIP.v4.1-GT1.1 gp140 Envelope Glycoprotein Trimers as Candidate Vaccine Antigens

Whitaker N, Hickey JM, Kaur K, Xiong J, Sawant N, Cupo A, Lee WH, Ozorowski G, Medina-Ramírez M, Ward AB, Sanders RW, Moore JP, Joshi SB, Volkin DB, Dey AK.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Feb. 15, 2019

The induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) is a major goal in the development of an effective vaccine against HIV-1. A soluble, trimeric, germline (gI) bNAb-targeting variant of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (termed BG505 SOSIP.v4.1-GT1.1 gp140, abbreviated to GT1.1) has recently been developed. Here, we have compared this new immunogen with the parental trimer from which it was derived, BG505 SOSIP.664 gp140. We used a comprehensive suite of biochemical and biophysical methods to determine physicochemical similarities and differences between the 2 trimers, and thereby assessed whether additional formulation development efforts were needed for the GT1.1 vaccine candidate. The overall higher order structure and oligomeric states of the 2 vaccine antigens were quite similar, as were their thermal, chemical, and colloidal stability profiles, as evaluated during accelerated stability studies. Overall, we conclude that the primary sequence changes made to create the gl bNAb-targeting GT1.1 trimer did not detrimentally affect its physicochemical properties or stability profiles from a pharmaceutical perspective. This developability assessment of the BG505 GT1.1 vaccine antigen supports using the formulation and storage conditions previously identified for the parental SOSIP.664 trimer and enables the development of GT1.1 for phase I clinical studies.

Stabilization of the V2 loop improves the presentation of V2 loop–associated broadly neutralizing antibody epitopes on HIV-1 envelope trimers

de Taeye SW, Go EP, Sliepen K, Torrents de la Peña A, Badal K, Medina-Ramirez M, Lee WH, Desaire H, Wilson IA, Moore JP, Ward AB, Sanders RW.
The Journal of Biological Chemistry Feb. 6, 2019

A successful HIV-1 vaccine will likely need to elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) that target the envelope glycoprotein (Env) spike on the virus. Native-like recombinant Env trimers of the SOSIP design now serve as a platform for achieving this challenging goal. However, SOSIP trimers usually do not bind efficiently to the inferred germline precursors of bNAbs (gl-bNAbs). We hypothesized that the inherent flexibilities of the V1 and V2 variable loops in the Env trimer contribute to the poor recognition of gl-bNAb epitopes at the trimer apex that extensively involve V2 residues. To reduce local V2 flexibility and improve the binding of V2-dependent bNAbs and gl-bNAbs, we designed BG505 SOSIP.664 trimer variants containing newly created disulfide bonds intended to stabilize the V2 loop in an optimally antigenic configuration. The first variant, I184C/E190C, contained a new disulfide bond within the V2 loop, whereas the second variant, E153C/R178C, had a new disulfide bond that cross-linked V2 and V1. The resulting engineered native-like trimer variants were both more reactive with and were neutralized by V2 bNAbs and gl-bNAbs, a finding that may be valuable in the design of germline targeting and boosting trimer immunogens to create an antigenic conformation optimal for HIV vaccine development.

Potent anti-influenza H7 human monoclonal antibody induces separation of hemagglutinin receptor-binding head domains

Turner HL, Pallesen J, Lang S, Bangaru S, Urata S, Li S, Cottrell CA, Bowman CA, Crowe JE Jr, Wilson IA, Ward AB.
PLoS Biology Feb. 4, 2019

Seasonal influenza virus infections can cause significant morbidity and mortality, but the threat from the emergence of a new pandemic influenza strain might have potentially even more devastating consequences. As such, there is intense interest in isolating and characterizing potent neutralizing antibodies that target the hemagglutinin (HA) viral surface glycoprotein. Here, we use cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) to decipher the mechanism of action of a potent HA head-directed monoclonal antibody (mAb) bound to an influenza H7 HA. The epitope of the antibody is not solvent accessible in the compact, prefusion conformation that typifies all HA structures to date. Instead, the antibody binds between HA head protomers to an epitope that must be partly or transiently exposed in the prefusion conformation. The “breathing” of the HA protomers is implied by the exposure of this epitope, which is consistent with metastability of class I fusion proteins. This structure likely therefore represents an early structural intermediate in the viral fusion process. Understanding the extent of transient exposure of conserved neutralizing epitopes also may lead to new opportunities to combat influenza that have not been appreciated previously.

From structure to sequence: Antibody discovery using cryoEM

Antanasijevic A, Bowman CA, Kirchdoerfer RN, Cottrell CA, Ozorowski G, Upadhyay AA, Cirelli KM, Carnathan DG, Enemuo CA, Sewall LM, Nogal B, Zhao F, Groschel B, Schief WR, Sok D, Silvestri G, Crotty S, Bosinger SE, Ward AB.
Science Advances Dec. 29, 2018

One of the rate-limiting steps in analyzing immune responses to vaccines or infections is the isolation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies. Here, we present a hybrid structural and bioinformatic approach to directly assign the heavy and light chains, identify complementarity-determining regions, and discover sequences from cryoEM density maps of serum-derived polyclonal antibodies bound to an antigen. When combined with next-generation sequencing of immune repertoires, we were able to specifically identify clonal family members, synthesize the monoclonal antibodies, and confirm that they interact with the antigen in a manner equivalent to the corresponding polyclonal antibodies. This structure-based approach for identification of monoclonal antibodies from polyclonal sera opens new avenues for analysis of immune responses and iterative vaccine design.

Cleavage-Independent HIV-1 Trimers From CHO Cell Lines Elicit Robust Autologous Tier 2 Neutralizing Antibodies

Bale S, Martine A, Wilson R, Behrens AJ, Le Fourn V, de Val N, Sharma SK, Tran K, Torres JL, Girod PA, Ward AB, Crispin M, Wyatt RT
Frontiers in Immunology Dec. 20, 2018

Native flexibly linked (NFL) HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimers are cleavage-independent and display a native-like, well-folded conformation that preferentially displays broadly neutralizing determinants. The NFL platform simplifies large-scale production of Env by eliminating the need to co-transfect the precursor-cleaving protease, furin that is required by the cleavage-dependent SOSIP trimers. Here, we report the development of a CHO-M cell line that expressed BG505 NFL trimers at a high level of homogeneity and yields of ~1.8 g/l. BG505 NFL trimers purified by single-step lectin-affinity chromatography displayed a native-like closed structure, efficient recognition by trimer-preferring bNAbs, no recognition by non-neutralizing CD4 binding site-directed and V3-directed antibodies, long-term stability, and proper N-glycan processing. Following negative-selection, formulation in ISCOMATRIX adjuvant and inoculation into rabbits, the trimers rapidly elicited potent autologous tier 2 neutralizing antibodies. These antibodies targeted the N-glycan “hole” naturally present on the BG505 Env proximal to residues at positions 230, 241, and 289. The BG505 NFL trimers that did not expose V3 in vitro, elicited low-to-no tier 1 virus neutralization in vivo, indicating that they remained intact during the immunization process, not exposing V3. In addition, BG505 NFL and BG505 SOSIP trimers expressed from 293F cells, when formulated in Adjuplex adjuvant, elicited equivalent BG505 tier 2 autologous neutralizing titers. These titers were lower in potency when compared to the titers elicited by CHO-M cell derived trimers. In addition, increased neutralization of tier 1 viruses was detected. Taken together, these data indicate that both adjuvant and cell-type expression can affect the elicitation of tier 2 and tier 1 neutralizing responses in vivo.

Deception through Mimicry: A Cellular Antiviral Strategy

Wu NC, Ward AB
Cell Dec. 13, 2018

Viruses use mimicry to hijack cellular machinery, but can human cells use mimicry as an antiviral approach? Batra et al. identify a novel antiviral restriction factor, RBBP6, by characterizing the cellular interactome of Ebola virus. RBBP6 targets the Ebola virus transcription factor VP30 by mimicking the binding of Ebola virus nucleoprotein.

Vaccine-Induced Protection from Homologous Tier 2 SHIV Challenge in Nonhuman Primates Depends on Serum-Neutralizing Antibody Titers

Pauthner MG, Nkolola JP, Havenar-Daughton C, Murrell B, Reiss SM, Bastidas R, Prevost J, Nedellec R, von Bredow B, Abbink P, Cottrell CA, Kulp DW, Tokatlian T, Nogal B, Bianchi M, Li H, Lee JH, Butera ST, Evans DT, Hangartner L, Finzi A, Wilson IA, Wyatt RT, Irvine DJ, Schief WR, Ward AB, Sanders RW, Crotty S, Shaw GM, Barouch DH, Burton DR
Immunity Nov. 29, 2018

Passive administration of HIV neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) can protect macaques from hard-to-neutralize (tier 2) chimeric simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) challenge. However, conditions for nAb-mediated protection after vaccination have not been established. Here, we selected groups of 6 rhesus macaques with either high or low serum nAb titers from a total of 78 animals immunized with recombinant native-like (SOSIP) Env trimers. Repeat intrarectal challenge with homologous tier 2 SHIVBG505 led to rapid infection in unimmunized and low-titer animals. High-titer animals, however, demonstrated protection that was gradually lost as nAb titers waned over time. An autologous serum ID50 nAb titer of ∼1:500 afforded more than 90% protection from medium-dose SHIV infection. In contrast, antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity and T cell activity did not correlate with protection. Therefore, Env protein-based vaccination strategies can protect against hard-to-neutralize SHIV challenge in rhesus macaques by inducing tier 2 nAbs, provided appropriate neutralizing titers can be reached and maintained.

Closing and Opening Holes in the Glycan Shield of HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein SOSIP Trimers Can Redirect the Neutralizing Antibody Response to the Newly Unmasked Epitopes

Ringe RP, Pugach P, Cottrell CA, LaBranche CC, Seabright GE, Ketas TJ, Ozorowski G, Kumar S, Schorcht A, van Gils MJ, Crispin M, Montefiori DC, Wilson IA, Ward AB, Sanders RW, Klasse PJ, Moore JP
Journal of Virology Nov. 28, 2018

Engineered SOSIP trimers mimic envelope-glycoprotein spikes, which stud the surface of HIV-1 particles and mediate viral entry into cells. When used for immunizing test animals, they elicit antibodies that neutralize resistant sequence-matched HIV-1 isolates. These neutralizing antibodies recognize epitopes in holes in the glycan shield that covers the trimer. Here, we added glycans to block the most immunogenic neutralization epitopes on BG505 and B41 SOSIP trimers. In addition, we removed selected other glycans to open new holes that might expose new immunogenic epitopes. We immunized rabbits with the various glycan-modified trimers and then dissected the specificities of the antibody responses. Thus, in principle, the antibody response might be diverted from one site to a more cross-reactive one, which would help in the induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies by HIV-1 vaccines based on envelope glycoproteins.

Development of Clinical-Stage Human Monoclonal Antibodies That Treat Advanced Ebola Virus Disease in Nonhuman Primates

Pascal KE, Dudgeon D, Trefry JC, Anantpadma M, Sakurai Y, Murin CD, Turner HL, Fairhurst J, Torres M, Rafique A, Yan Y, Badithe A, Yu K, Potocky T, Bixler SL, Chance TB, Pratt WD, Rossi FD, Shamblin JD, Wollen SE, Zelko JM, Carrion R Jr, Worwa G, Staples HM, Burakov D, Babb R, Chen G, Martin J, Huang TT, Erlandson K, Willis MS, Armstrong K, Dreier TM, Ward AB, Davey RA, Pitt MLM, Lipsich L, Mason P, Olson W, Stahl N, Kyratsous CA
The Journal of Infectious Diseases Nov. 22, 2018

For most classes of drugs, rapid development of therapeutics to treat emerging infections is challenged by the timelines needed to identify compounds with the desired efficacy, safety, and pharmacokinetic profiles. Fully human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) provide an attractive method to overcome many of these hurdles to rapidly produce therapeutics for emerging diseases. In this study, we deployed a platform to generate, test, and develop fully human antibodies to Zaire ebolavirus. We obtained specific anti-Ebola virus (EBOV) antibodies by immunizing VelocImmune mice that use human immunoglobulin variable regions in their humoral responses. Of the antibody clones isolated, 3 were selected as best at neutralizing EBOV and triggering FcγRIIIa. Binding studies and negative-stain electron microscopy revealed that the 3 selected antibodies bind to non-overlapping epitopes, including a potentially new protective epitope not targeted by other antibody-based treatments. When combined, a single dose of a cocktail of the 3 antibodies protected nonhuman primates (NHPs) from EBOV disease even after disease symptoms were apparent. This antibody cocktail provides complementary mechanisms of actions, incorporates novel specificities, and demonstrates high-level postexposure protection from lethal EBOV disease in NHPs. It is now undergoing testing in normal healthy volunteers in preparation for potential use in future Ebola epidemics.

HIV-1 vaccine design through minimizing envelope metastability

He L, Kumar S, Allen JD, Huang D, Lin X, Mann CJ, Saye-Francisco KL, Copps J, Sarkar A, Blizard GS, Ozorowski G, Sok D, Crispin M, Ward AB, Nemazee D, Burton DR, Wilson IA, Zhu J
Science Advances Nov. 20, 2018

Overcoming envelope metastability is crucial to trimer-based HIV-1 vaccine design. Here, we present a coherent vaccine strategy by minimizing metastability. For 10 strains across five clades, we demonstrate that the gp41 ectodomain (gp41ECTO) is the main source of envelope metastability by replacing wild-type gp41ECTO with BG505 gp41ECTO of the uncleaved prefusion-optimized (UFO) design. These gp41ECTO-swapped trimers can be produced in CHO cells with high yield and high purity. The crystal structure of a gp41ECTO-swapped trimer elucidates how a neutralization-resistant tier 3 virus evades antibody recognition of the V2 apex. UFO trimers of transmitted/founder viruses and UFO trimers containing a consensus-based ancestral gp41ECTO suggest an evolutionary root of metastability. The gp41ECTO-stabilized trimers can be readily displayed on 24- and 60-meric nanoparticles, with incorporation of additional T cell help illustrated for a hyperstable 60-mer, I3-01. In mice and rabbits, these gp140 nanoparticles induced tier 2 neutralizing antibody responses more effectively than soluble trimers.

Universal protection against influenza infection by a multidomain antibody to influenza hemagglutinin

Laursen NS, Friesen RHE, Zhu X, Jongeneelen M, Blokland S, Vermond J, van Eijgen A, Tang C, van Diepen H, Obmolova G, van der Neut Kolfschoten M, Zuijdgeest D, Straetemans R, Hoffman RMB, Nieusma T, Pallesen J, Turner HL, Bernard SM, Ward AB, Luo J, Poon LLM, Tretiakova AP, Wilson JM, Limberis MP, Vogels R, Brandenburg B, Kolkman JA, Wilson IA
Science Nov. 2, 2018

Broadly neutralizing antibodies against highly variable pathogens have stimulated the design of vaccines and therapeutics. We report the use of diverse camelid single-domain antibodies to influenza virus hemagglutinin to generate multidomain antibodies with impressive breadth and potency. Multidomain antibody MD3606 protects mice against influenza A and B infection when administered intravenously or expressed locally from a recombinant adeno-associated virus vector. Crystal and single-particle electron microscopy structures of these antibodies with hemagglutinins from influenza A and B viruses reveal binding to highly conserved epitopes. Collectively, our findings demonstrate that multidomain antibodies targeting multiple epitopes exhibit enhanced virus cross-reactivity and potency. In combination with adeno-associated virus–mediated gene delivery, they may provide an effective strategy to prevent infection with influenza virus and other highly variable pathogens.