Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Vaccination with Glycan-Modified HIV NFL Envelope Trimer-Liposomes Elicits Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies to Multiple Sites of Vulnerability

Dubrovskaya V, Tran K, Ozorowski G, Guenaga J, Wilson R, Bale S, Cottrell CA, Turner HL, Seabright G, O'Dell S, Torres JL, Yang L, Feng Y, Leaman DP, Vázquez Bernat N, Liban T, Louder M, McKee K, Bailer RT, Movsesyan A, Doria-Rose NA, Pancera M, Karlsson Hedestam GB, Zwick MB, Crispin M, Mascola JR, Ward AB, Wyatt RT.
Immunity Nov. 5, 2019

The elicitation of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) against the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer remains a major vaccine challenge. Most cross-conserved protein determinants are occluded by self-N-glycan shielding, limiting B cell recognition of the underlying polypeptide surface. The exceptions to the contiguous glycan shield include the conserved receptor CD4 binding site (CD4bs) and glycoprotein (gp)41 elements proximal to the furin cleavage site. Accordingly, we performed heterologous trimer-liposome prime:boosting in rabbits to drive B cells specific for cross-conserved sites. To preferentially expose the CD4bs to B cells, we eliminated proximal N-glycans while maintaining the native-like state of the cleavage-independent NFL trimers, followed by gradual N-glycan restoration coupled with heterologous boosting. This approach successfully elicited CD4bs-directed, cross-neutralizing Abs, including one targeting a unique glycan-protein epitope and a bNAb (87% breadth) directed to the gp120:gp41 interface, both resolved by high-resolution cryoelectron microscopy. This study provides proof-of-principle immunogenicity toward eliciting bNAbs by vaccination.

A generalized HIV vaccine design strategy for priming of broadly neutralizing antibody responses

Steichen JM, Lin YC, Havenar-Daughton C, Pecetta S, Ozorowski G, Willis JR, Toy L, Sok D, Liguori A, Kratochvil S, Torres JL, Kalyuzhniy O, Melzi E, Kulp DW, Raemisch S, Hu X, Bernard SM, Georgeson E, Phelps N, Adachi Y, Kubitz M, Landais E, Umotoy J, Robinson A, Briney B, Wilson IA, Burton DR, Ward AB, Crotty S, Batista FD, Schief WR
Science Oct. 31, 2019

Vaccine induction of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) to HIV remains a major challenge. Germline-targeting immunogens hold promise for initiating the induction of certain bnAb classes; yet for most bnAbs, a strong dependence on antibody heavy chain complementarity-determining region 3 (HCDR3) is a major barrier. Exploiting ultradeep human antibody sequencing data, we identified a diverse set of potential antibody precursors for a bnAb with dominant HCDR3 contacts. We then developed HIV envelope trimer–based immunogens that primed responses from rare bnAb-precursor B cells in a mouse model and bound a range of potential bnAb-precursor human naïve B cells in ex vivo screens. Our repertoire-guided germline-targeting approach provides a framework for priming the induction of many HIV bnAbs and could be applied to most HCDR3-dominant antibodies from other pathogens.

SOS and IP Modifications Predominantly Affect the Yield but Not Other Properties of SOSIP.664 HIV-1 Env Glycoprotein Trimers

Ringe RP, Colin P, Torres JL, Yasmeen A, Lee WH, Cupo A, Ward AB, Klasse PJ, Moore JP.
Journal of Virology Oct. 16, 2019

Recombinant trimeric proteins based on HIV-1 env genes are being developed for vaccine trials in humans. A feature of these proteins is their mimicry of the envelope glycoprotein structure on virus particles that is targeted by neutralizing antibodies, i.e., antibodies that prevent cells from becoming infected. One vaccine concept under exploration is that recombinant trimers may be able to elicit virus-neutralizing antibodies when delivered as immunogens. A commonly used design is designated SOSIP.664, a term reflecting the sequence changes that are used to stabilize the trimers and allow their production in practically useful amounts. Here, we show that these stabilizing changes act to increase trimer yield during the biosynthesis process within the producer cell but have little impact on the properties of purified trimers.

Structural Definition of a Neutralization-Sensitive Epitope on the MERS-CoV S1-NTD

Wang N, Rosen O, Wang L, Turner HL, Stevens LJ, Corbett KS, Bowman CA, Pallesen J, Shi W, Zhang Y, Leung K, Kirchdoerfer RN, Becker MM, Denison MR, Chappell JD, Ward AB, Graham BS, McLellan JS.
Cell Reports Sept. 24, 2019

Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) emerged into the human population in 2012 and has caused substantial morbidity and mortality. Potently neutralizing antibodies targeting the receptor-binding domain (RBD) on MERS-CoV spike (S) protein have been characterized, but much less is known about antibodies targeting non-RBD epitopes. Here, we report the structural and functional characterization of G2, a neutralizing antibody targeting the MERS-CoV S1 N-terminal domain (S1-NTD). Structures of G2 alone and in complex with the MERS-CoV S1-NTD define a site of vulnerability comprising two loops, each of which contain a residue mutated in G2-escape variants. Cell-surface binding studies and in vitro competition experiments demonstrate that G2 strongly disrupts the attachment of MERS-CoV S to its receptor, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP4), with the inhibition requiring the native trimeric S conformation. These results advance our understanding of antibody-mediated neutralization of coronaviruses and should facilitate the development of immunotherapeutics and vaccines against MERS-CoV.

Enhancing and shaping the immunogenicity of native-like HIV-1 envelope trimers with a two-component protein nanoparticle

Brouwer PJM, Antanasijevic A, Berndsen Z, Yasmeen A, Fiala B, Bijl TPL, Bontjer I, Bale JB, Sheffler W, Allen JD, Schorcht A, Burger JA, Camacho M, Ellis D, Cottrell CA, Behrens AJ, Catalano M, Del Moral-Sánchez I, Ketas TJ, LaBranche C, van Gils MJ, Sliepen K, Stewart LJ, Crispin M, Montefiori DC, Baker D, Moore JP, Klasse PJ, Ward AB, King NP, Sanders RW.
Nature Communications Sept. 19, 2019

The development of native-like HIV-1 envelope (Env) trimer antigens has enabled the induction of neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses against neutralization-resistant HIV-1 strains in animal models. However, NAb responses are relatively weak and narrow in specificity. Displaying antigens in a multivalent fashion on nanoparticles (NPs) is an established strategy to increase their immunogenicity. Here we present the design and characterization of two-component protein NPs displaying 20 stabilized SOSIP trimers from various HIV-1 strains. The two-component nature permits the incorporation of exclusively well-folded, native-like Env trimers into NPs that self-assemble in vitro with high efficiency. Immunization studies show that the NPs are particularly efficacious as priming immunogens, improve the quality of the Ab response over a conventional one-component nanoparticle system, and are most effective when SOSIP trimers with an apex-proximate neutralizing epitope are displayed. Their ability to enhance and shape the immunogenicity of SOSIP trimers make these NPs a promising immunogen platform.

Antibody-dependent enhancement of influenza disease promoted by increase in hemagglutinin stem flexibility and virus fusion kinetics

Winarski KL, Tang J, Klenow L, Lee J, Coyle EM, Manischewitz J, Turner HL, Takeda K, Ward AB, Golding H, Khurana S.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences July 23, 2019

Several next-generation (universal) influenza vaccines and broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) are in clinical development. Some of these mediate inhibitions of virus replication at the postentry stage or use Fc-dependent mechanisms. Nonneutralizing antibodies have the potential to mediate enhancement of viral infection or disease. In the current study, two monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) 72/8 and 69/1, enhanced respiratory disease (ERD) in mice following H3N2 virus challenge by demonstrating increased lung pathology and changes in lung cytokine/chemokine levels. MAb 78/2 caused changes in the lung viral loads in a dose-dependent manner. Both MAbs increased HA sensitivity to trypsin cleavage at a higher pH range, suggesting MAb-induced conformational changes. pHrodo-labeled virus particles’ entry and residence time in the endocytic compartment were tracked during infection of Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Both MAbs reduced H3N2 virus residence time in the endocytic pathway, suggesting faster virus fusion kinetics. Structurally, 78/2 and 69/1 Fabs bound the globular head or base of the head domain of influenza hemagglutinin (HA), respectively, and induced destabilization of the HA stem domain. Together, this study describes Mab-induced destabilization of the influenza HA stem domain, faster kinetics of influenza virus fusion, and ERD in vivo. The in vivo animal model and in vitro assays described could augment preclinical safety evaluation of antibodies and next-generation influenza vaccines that generate antibodies which do not block influenza virus–receptor interaction.

Similarities and differences between native HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimers and stabilized soluble trimer mimetics

Torrents de la Peña A, Rantalainen K, Cottrell CA, Allen JD, van Gils MJ, Torres JL, Crispin M, Sanders RW, Ward AB.
PLoS Pathogens July 15, 2019

The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer is located on the surface of the virus and is the target of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). Recombinant native-like soluble Env trimer mimetics, such as SOSIP trimers, have taken a central role in HIV-1 vaccine research aimed at inducing bNAbs. We therefore performed a direct and thorough comparison of a full-length unmodified Env trimer containing the transmembrane domain and the cytoplasmic tail, with the sequence matched soluble SOSIP trimer, both based on an early Env sequence (AMC011) from an HIV+ individual that developed bNAbs. The structures of the full-length AMC011 trimer bound to either bNAb PGT145 or PGT151 were very similar to the structures of SOSIP trimers. Antigenically, the full-length and SOSIP trimers were comparable, but in contrast to the full-length trimer, the SOSIP trimer did not bind at all to non-neutralizing antibodies, most likely as a consequence of the intrinsic stabilization of the SOSIP trimer. Furthermore, the glycan composition of full-length and SOSIP trimers was similar overall, but the SOSIP trimer possessed slightly less complex and less extensively processed glycans, which may relate to the intrinsic stabilization as well as the absence of the membrane tether. These data provide insights into how to best use and improve membrane-associated full-length and soluble SOSIP HIV-1 Env trimers as immunogens.

Differences in the Binding Affinity of an HIV-1 V2 Apex-Specific Antibody for the SIVsmm/mac Envelope Glycoprotein Uncouple Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity from Neutralization

von Bredow B, Andrabi R, Grunst M, Grandea AG 3rd, Le K, Song G, Berndsen ZT, Porter K, Pallesen J, Ward AB, Burton DR, Evans DT.
mBio July 2, 2019

As a consequence of their independent evolutionary origins in apes and Old World monkeys, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency viruses of the SIVsmm/mac lineage express phylogenetically and antigenically distinct envelope glycoproteins. Thus, HIV-1 Env-specific antibodies do not typically cross-react with the Env proteins of SIVsmm/mac isolates. Here we show that PGT145, a broadly neutralizing antibody to a quaternary epitope at the V2 apex of HIV-1 Env, directs the lysis of SIVsmm/mac-infected cells by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) but does not neutralize SIVsmm/mac infectivity. Amino acid substitutions in the V2 loop of SIVmac239 corresponding to the epitope for PGT145 in HIV-1 Env modulate sensitivity to this antibody. Whereas a substitution in a conserved N-linked glycosylation site (N171Q) eliminates sensitivity to ADCC, a lysine-to-serine substitution in this region (K180S) increases ADCC and renders the virus susceptible to neutralization. These differences in function correlate with an increase in the affinity of PGT145 binding to Env on the surface of virus-infected cells and to soluble Env trimers. To our knowledge, this represents the first instance of an HIV-1 Env-specific antibody that cross-reacts with SIVsmm/mac Env and illustrates how differences in antibody binding affinity for Env can differentiate sensitivity to ADCC from neutralization.

Conformational Plasticity in the HIV-1 Fusion Peptide Facilitates Recognition by Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies

Yuan M, Cottrell CA, Ozorowski G, van Gils MJ, Kumar S, Wu NC, Sarkar A, Torres JL, de Val N, Copps J, Moore JP, Sanders RW, Ward AB, Wilson IA.
Cell Host & Microbe June 12, 2019

The fusion peptide (FP) of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) is essential for mediating viral entry. Detection of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) that interact with the FP has revealed it as a site of vulnerability. We delineate X-ray and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of bnAb ACS202, from an HIV-infected elite neutralizer, with an FP and with a soluble Env trimer (AMC011 SOSIP.v4.2) derived from the same patient. We show that ACS202 CDRH3 forms a “β strand” interaction with the exposed hydrophobic FP and recognizes a continuous region of gp120, including a conserved N-linked glycan at N88. A cryo-EM structure of another previously identified bnAb VRC34.01 with AMC011 SOSIP.v4.2 shows that it also penetrates through glycans to target the FP. We further demonstrate that the FP can twist and present different conformations for recognition by bnAbs, which enables approach to Env from diverse angles. The variable recognition of FP by bnAbs thus provides insights for vaccine design.

Structures of the Otopetrin Proton Channels Otop1 and Otop3

Saotome K, Teng B, Tsui CCA, Lee WH, Tu YH, Kaplan JP, Sansom MSP, Liman ER, Ward AB.
Nature structural & molecular biology June 3, 2019

Otopetrins (Otop1–Otop3) comprise one of two known eukaryotic proton-selective channel families. Otop1 is required for otoconia formation and a candidate mammalian sour taste receptor. Here we report cryo-EM structures of zebrafish Otop1 and chicken Otop3 in lipid nanodiscs. The structures reveal a dimeric architecture, with each subunit forming twelve transmembrane helices divided into structurally similar amino (N) and carboxy (C) domains. Cholesterol-like molecules occupy various sites in Otop1 and Otop3 and occlude a central tunnel. In molecular dynamics simulations, hydrophilic vestibules formed by the N and C domains and in the intrasubunit interface between N and C domains form conduits for water entry into the membrane core, suggesting three potential proton conduction pathways. By mutagenesis, we test the roles of charged residues in each putative permeation pathway. Our results provide a structural basis for understanding selective proton permeation and gating of this conserved family of proton channels.

Structure and immunogenicity of a stabilized HIV-1 envelope trimer based on a group-M consensus sequence

Sliepen K, Han BW, Bontjer I, Mooij P, Garces F, Behrens AJ, Rantalainen K, Kumar S, Sarkar A, Brouwer PJM, Hua Y, Tolazzi M, Schermer E, Torres JL, Ozorowski G, van der Woude P, de la Peña AT, van Breemen MJ, Camacho-Sánchez JM, Burger JA, Medina-Ramírez M, González N, Alcami J, LaBranche C, Scarlatti G, van Gils MJ, Crispin M, Montefiori DC, Ward AB, Koopman G, Moore JP, Shattock RJ, Bogers WM, Wilson IA, Sanders RW
Nature Communications May 29, 2019

Stabilized HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Env) that resemble the native Env are utilized in vaccination strategies aimed at inducing broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). To limit the exposure of rare isolate-specific antigenic residues/determinants we generated a SOSIP trimer based on a consensus sequence of all HIV-1 group M isolates (ConM). The ConM trimer displays the epitopes of most known bNAbs and several germline bNAb precursors. The crystal structure of the ConM trimer at 3.9 Å resolution resembles that of the native Env trimer and its antigenic surface displays few rare residues. The ConM trimer elicits strong NAb responses against the autologous virus in rabbits and macaques that are significantly enhanced when it is presented on ferritin nanoparticles. The dominant NAb specificity is directed against an epitope at or close to the trimer apex. Immunogens based on consensus sequences might have utility in engineering vaccines against HIV-1 and other viruses.

Structure of the SARS-CoV nsp12 polymerase bound to nsp7 and nsp8 co-factors

Kirchdoerfer RN, Ward AB.
Nature Communications May 28, 2019

Recent history is punctuated by the emergence of highly pathogenic coronaviruses such as SARS- and MERS-CoV into human circulation. Upon infecting host cells, coronaviruses assemble a multi-subunit RNA-synthesis complex of viral non-structural proteins (nsp) responsible for the replication and transcription of the viral genome. Here, we present the 3.1 Å resolution structure of the SARS-CoV nsp12 polymerase bound to its essential co-factors, nsp7 and nsp8, using single particle cryo-electron microscopy. nsp12 possesses an architecture common to all viral polymerases as well as a large N-terminal extension containing a kinase-like fold and is bound by two nsp8 co-factors. This structure illuminates the assembly of the coronavirus core RNA-synthesis machinery, provides key insights into nsp12 polymerase catalysis and fidelity and acts as a template for the design of novel antiviral therapeutics.

The Chimpanzee SIV Envelope Trimer: Structure and Deployment as an HIV Vaccine Template

Andrabi R, Pallesen J, Allen JD, Song G, Zhang J, de Val N, Gegg G, Porter K, Su CY, Pauthner M, Newman A, Bouton-Verville H, Garces F, Wilson IA, Crispin M, Hahn BH, Haynes BF, Verkoczy L, Ward AB, Burton DR
Cell Reports May 21, 2019

Epitope-targeted HIV vaccine design seeks to focus antibody responses to broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) sites by sequential immunization. A chimpanzee simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) envelope (Env) shares a single bnAb site, the variable loop 2 (V2)-apex, with HIV, suggesting its possible utility in an HIV immunization strategy. Here, we generate a chimpanzee SIV Env trimer, MT145K, which displays selective binding to HIV V2-apex bnAbs and precursor versions, but no binding to other HIV specificities. We determine the structure of the MT145K trimer by cryo-EM and show that its architecture is remarkably similar to HIV Env. Immunization of an HIV V2-apex bnAb precursor Ab-expressing knockin mouse with the chimpanzee MT145K trimer induces HIV V2-specific neutralizing responses. Subsequent boosting with an HIV trimer cocktail induces responses that exhibit some virus cross-neutralization. Overall, the chimpanzee MT145K trimer behaves as expected from design both in vitro and in vivo and is an attractive potential component of a sequential immunization regimen to induce V2-apex bnAbs.

A Site of Vulnerability on the Influenza Virus Hemagglutinin Head Domain Trimer Interface

Bangaru S, Lang S, Schotsaert M, Vanderven HA, Zhu X, Kose N, Bombardi R, Finn JA, Kent SJ, Gilchuk P, Gilchuk I, Turner HL, García-Sastre A, Li S, Ward AB, Wilson IA, Crowe JE Jr.
Cell May 16, 2019

Here, we describe the discovery of a naturally occurring human antibody (Ab), FluA-20, that recognizes a new site of vulnerability on the hemagglutinin (HA) head domain and reacts with most influenza A viruses. Structural characterization of FluA-20 with H1 and H3 head domains revealed a novel epitope in the HA trimer interface, suggesting previously unrecognized dynamic features of the trimeric HA protein. The critical HA residues recognized by FluA-20 remain conserved across most subtypes of influenza A viruses, which explains the Ab’s extraordinary breadth. The Ab rapidly disrupted the integrity of HA protein trimers, inhibited cell-to-cell spread of virus in culture, and protected mice against challenge with viruses of H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, or H7N9 subtypes when used as prophylaxis or therapy. The FluA-20 Ab has uncovered an exceedingly conserved protective determinant in the influenza HA head domain trimer interface that is an unexpected new target for anti-influenza therapeutics and vaccines.

Slow Delivery Immunization Enhances HIV Neutralizing Antibody and Germinal Center Responses via Modulation of Immunodominance

Cirelli KM, Carnathan DG, Nogal B, Martin JT, Rodriguez OL, Upadhyay AA, Enemuo CA, Gebru EH, Choe Y, Viviano F, Nakao C, Pauthner MG, Reiss S, Cottrell CA, Smith ML, Bastidas R, Gibson W, Wolabaugh AN, Melo MB, Cossette B, Kumar V, Patel NB, Tokatlian T, Menis S, Kulp DW, Burton DR, Murrell B, Schief WR, Bosinger SE, Ward AB, Watson CT, Silvestri G, Irvine DJ, Crotty S.
Cell May 16, 2019

Conventional immunization strategies will likely be insufficient for the development of a broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) vaccine for HIV or other difficult pathogens because of the immunological hurdles posed, including B cell immunodominance and germinal center (GC) quantity and quality. We found that two independent methods of slow delivery immunization of rhesus monkeys (RMs) resulted in more robust T follicular helper (TFH) cell responses and GC B cells with improved Env-binding, tracked by longitudinal fine needle aspirates. Improved GCs correlated with the development of >20-fold higher titers of autologous nAbs. Using a new RM genomic immunoglobulin locus reference, we identified differential IgV gene use between immunization modalities. Ab mapping demonstrated targeting of immunodominant non-neutralizing epitopes by conventional bolus-immunized animals, whereas slow delivery-immunized animals targeted a more diverse set of epitopes. Thus, alternative immunization strategies can enhance nAb development by altering GCs and modulating the immunodominance of non-neutralizing epitopes.

Cryo-EM structure of the Ebola virus nucleoprotein–RNA complex

Kirchdoerfer RN, Saphire EO, Ward AB.
Acta Crystallographica Section F May 1, 2019

Ebola virus is an emerging virus that is capable of causing a deadly disease in humans. Replication, transcription and packaging of the viral genome are carried out by the viral nucleocapsid. The nucleocapsid is a complex of the viral nucleoprotein, RNA and several other viral proteins. The nucleoprotein forms large, RNA-bound, helical filaments and acts as a scaffold for additional viral proteins. The 3.1 Å resolution single-particle cryo-electron microscopy structure of the nucleoprotein–RNA helical filament presented here resembles previous structures determined at lower resolution, while providing improved molecular details of protein–protein and protein–RNA interactions. The higher resolution of the structure presented here will facilitate the design and characterization of novel and specific Ebola virus therapeutics targeting the nucleocapsid.

Fine-mapping the immunodominant antibody epitopes on consensus sequence-based HIV-1 envelope trimer vaccine candidates

Reiss EIMM, van Haaren MM, van Schooten J, Claireaux MAF, Maisonnasse P, Antanasijevic A, Allen JD, Bontjer I, Torres JL, Lee WH, Ozorowski G, Vázquez Bernat N, Kaduk M, Aldon Y, Burger JA, Chawla H, Aartse A, Tolazzi M, Gao H, Mundsperger P, Crispin M, Montefiori DC, Karlsson Hedestam GB, Scarlatti G, Ward AB, Le Grand R, Shattock R, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Sanders RW, van Gils MJ.
npj Vaccines April 22, 2019

The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer is the key target for vaccines aimed at inducing neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) against HIV-1. The clinical candidate immunogen ConM SOSIP.v7 is a stabilized native-like HIV-1 Env trimer based on an artificial consensus sequence of all HIV-1 isolates in group M. In preclinical studies ConM SOSIP.v7 trimers induced strong autologous NAb responses in non-human primates (NHPs). To fine-map these responses, we isolated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) from six cynomolgus macaques that were immunized three times with ConM SOSIP.v7 protein and boosted twice with the closely related ConSOSL.UFO.664 immunogen. A total of 40 ConM and/or ConS-specific mAbs were isolated, of which 18 were retrieved after the three ConM SOSIP.v7 immunizations and 22 after the two immunizations with ConSOSL.UFO.664. 22 mAbs (55%) neutralized the ConM and/or ConS virus. Cross-neutralization of ConS virus by approximately one-third of the mAbs was seen prior to ConSOSL.UFO.664 immunization, albeit with modest potency. Neutralizing antibodies predominantly targeted the V1 and V2 regions of the immunogens, with an apparent extension towards the V3 region. Thus, the V1V2V3 region is immunodominant in the potent NAb response elicited by two consensus sequence native-like HIV-1 Env immunogens. Immunization with these soluble consensus Env proteins also elicited non-neutralizing mAbs targeting the trimer base. These results inform the use and improvement of consensus-based trimer immunogens in combinatorial vaccine strategies.