Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Structure and mechanism of monoclonal antibody binding to the junctional epitope of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein

Oyen D, Torres JL, Aoto PC, Flores-Garcia Y, Binter S, Pholcharee T, Carroll S, Reponen S, Wash R, Liang Q, Lemiale F, Locke E, Bradley A, King CR, Emerling D, Kellam P, Zavala F, Ward AB, Wilson IA.
PLoS Pathogens March 9, 2020

Lasting protection has long been a goal for malaria vaccines. The major surface antigen on Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites, the circumsporozoite protein (PfCSP), has been an attractive target for vaccine development and most protective antibodies studied to date interact with the central NANP repeat region of PfCSP. However, it remains unclear what structural and functional characteristics correlate with better protection by one antibody over another. Binding to the junctional region between the N-terminal domain and central NANP repeats has been proposed to result in superior protection: this region initiates with the only NPDP sequence followed immediately by NANP. Here, we isolated antibodies in Kymab mice immunized with full-length recombinant PfCSP and two protective antibodies were selected for further study with reactivity against the junctional region. X-ray and EM structures of two monoclonal antibodies, mAb667 and mAb668, shed light on their differential affinity and specificity for the junctional region. Importantly, these antibodies also bind to the NANP repeat region with equal or better affinity. A comparison with an NANP-only binding antibody (mAb317) revealed roughly similar but statistically distinct levels of protection against sporozoite challenge in mouse liver burden models, suggesting that junctional antibody protection might relate to the ability to also cross-react with the NANP repeat region. Our findings indicate that additional efforts are necessary to isolate a true junctional antibody with no or much reduced affinity to the NANP region to elucidate the role of the junctional epitope in protection.

Engineered immunogen binding to alum adjuvant enhances humoral immunity

Moyer TJ, Kato Y, Abraham W, Chang JYH, Kulp DW, Watson N, Turner HL, Menis S, Abbott RK, Bhiman JN, Melo MB, Simon HA, Herrera-De la Mata S, Liang S, Seumois G, Agarwal Y, Li N, Burton DR, Ward AB, Schief WR, Crotty S, Irvine DJ
Nature Medicine Feb. 17, 2020

Adjuvants are central to the efficacy of subunit vaccines. Aluminum hydroxide (alum) is the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant, yet its adjuvanticity is often weak and mechanisms of triggering antibody responses remain poorly understood. We demonstrate that site-specific modification of immunogens with short peptides composed of repeating phosphoserine (pSer) residues enhances binding to alum and prolongs immunogen bioavailability. The pSer-modified immunogens formulated in alum elicited greatly increased germinal center, antibody, neutralizing antibody, memory and long-lived plasma cell responses compared to conventional alum-adsorbed immunogens. Mechanistically, pSer-immunogen:alum complexes form nanoparticles that traffic to lymph nodes and trigger B cell activation through multivalent and oriented antigen display. Direct uptake of antigen-decorated alum particles by B cells upregulated antigen processing and presentation pathways, further enhancing B cell activation. These data provide insights into mechanisms of action of alum and introduce a readily translatable approach to significantly improve humoral immunity to subunit vaccines using a clinical adjuvant.

Analysis of a Therapeutic Antibody Cocktail Reveals Determinants for Cooperative and Broad Ebolavirus Neutralization

Gilchuk P, Murin CD, Milligan JC, Cross RW, Mire CE, Ilinykh PA, Huang K, Kuzmina N, Altman PX, Hui S, Gunn BM, Bryan AL, Davidson E, Doranz BJ, Turner HL, Alkutkar T, Flinko R, Orlandi C, Carnahan R, Nargi R, Bombardi RG, Vodzak ME, Li S, Okoli A, Ibeawuchi M, Ohiaeri B, Lewis GK, Alter G, Bukreyev A, Saphire EO, Geisbert TW, Ward AB, Crowe JE Jr.
Immunity Feb. 3, 2020

Structural principles underlying the composition of protective antiviral monoclonal antibody (mAb) cocktails are poorly defined. Here, we exploited antibody cooperativity to develop a therapeutic mAb cocktail against Ebola virus. We systematically analyzed the antibody repertoire in human survivors and identified a pair of potently neutralizing mAbs that cooperatively bound to the ebolavirus glycoprotein (GP). High-resolution structures revealed that in a two-antibody cocktail, molecular mimicry was a major feature of mAb-GP interactions. Broadly neutralizing mAb rEBOV-520 targeted a conserved epitope on the GP base region. mAb rEBOV-548 bound to a glycan cap epitope, possessed neutralizing and Fc-mediated effector function activities, and potentiated neutralization by rEBOV-520. Remodeling of the glycan cap structures by the cocktail enabled enhanced GP binding and virus neutralization. The cocktail demonstrated resistance to virus escape and protected non-human primates (NHPs) against Ebola virus disease. These data illuminate structural principles of antibody cooperativity with implications for development of antiviral immunotherapeutics.

Autologous Antibody Responses to an HIV Envelope Glycan Hole Are Not Easily Broadened in Rabbits

Yang YR, McCoy LE, van Gils MJ, Andrabi R, Turner HL, Yuan M, Cottrell CA, Ozorowski G, Voss J, Pauthner M, Polveroni TM, Messmer T, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, Burton DR, Ward AB
Journal of Virology Jan. 15, 2020

Extensive studies with subtype A BG505-derived HIV envelope glycoprotein (Env) immunogens have revealed that the dominant autologous neutralizing epitope in rabbits is located in an exposed region of the heavily glycosylated trimer that lacks potential N-linked glycosylation sites at positions 230, 241, and 289. The Env derived from B41, a subtype B virus, shares a glycan hole centered on positions 230 and 289. To test whether broader neutralization to the common glycan hole can be achieved, we immunized rabbits with B41 SOSIP (gp120-gp41 disulfide [SOS] with an isoleucine-to-proline mutation [IP] in gp41) alone, as well as B41 and BG505 coimmunization. We isolated autologous neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) and described their structure in complex with the B41 Env. Our data suggest that distinct autologous nAb lineages are induced by BG505 and B41 immunogens, even when both were administered together. In contrast to previously described BG505 glycan hole antibodies, the B41-specific nAbs accommodate the >97% conserved N241 glycan, which is present in B41. Single-particle cryo-electron microscopy studies confirmed that B41- and BG505-specific nAbs bind to overlapping glycan hole epitopes. We then used our high-resolution data to guide mutations in the BG505 glycan hole epitope in an attempt to broaden the reactivity of a B41-specific nAb, but we recovered only partial binding. Our data demonstrate that the lack of cross-reactivity in glycan hole antibodies is due to amino acid differences within the epitope, and our attempts to rationally design cross-reactive trimers resulted in only limited success. Thus, even for the immunodominant glycan hole shared between BG505 and B41, the prospect of designing prime-boost immunogens remains difficult. IMPORTANCE A glycan hole is one of the most dominant autologous neutralizing epitopes targeted on BG505 and B41 SOSIP trimer-immunized rabbits. Our high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) studies of B41 in complex with a B41-specific antibody complex elucidate the molecular basis of this strain-specific glycan hole response. We conclude that even for the immunodominant glycan hole shared between BG505 and B41, the prospect of designing prime-boost immunogens remains difficult.

Diverse Antibody Responses to Conserved Structural Motifs in Plasmodium falciparum Circumsporozoite Protein

Pholcharee T, Oyen D, Torres JL, Flores-Garcia Y, Martin GM, González-Páez GE, Emerling D, Volkmuth W, Locke E, King CR, Zavala F, Ward AB, Wilson IA.
Journal of Molecular Biology Dec. 27, 2019

Malaria vaccine candidate RTS,S/AS01 is based on the central and C-terminal regions of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP) of P. falciparum. mAb397 was isolated from a volunteer in an RTS,S/AS01 clinical trial, and it protects mice from infection by malaria sporozoites. However, mAb397 originates from the less commonly used VH3-15 germline gene compared to the VH3-30/33 antibodies generally elicited by RTS,S to the central NANP repeat region of CSP. The crystal structure of mAb397 with an NPNA4 peptide shows that the central NPNA forms a type I β-turn and is the main recognition motif. In most anti-NANP antibodies studied to date, a germline-encoded Trp is used to engage the Pro in NPNA β-turns, but here the Trp interacts with the first Asn. This “conserved” Trp, however, can arise from different germline genes and be located in the heavy or the light chain. Variation in the terminal ψ angles of the NPNA β-turns results in different dispositions of the subsequent NPNA and, hence, different stoichiometries and modes of antibody binding to rsCSP. Diverse protective antibodies against NANP repeats are therefore not limited to a single germline gene response or mode of binding.

Neutralizing Antibody Induction by HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein SOSIP Trimers on Iron Oxide Nanoparticles May Be Impaired by Mannose Binding Lectin

Ringe RP, Cruz Portillo VM, Dosenovic P, Ketas TJ, Ozorowski G, Nogal B, Perez L, LaBranche CC, Lim J, Francomano E, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, Ward AB, Montefiori DC, Nussenzweig MC, Klasse PJ, Cupo A, Moore JP.
Journal of Virology Dec. 18, 2019

We covalently attached human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Env SOSIP trimers to iron oxide nanoparticles (IO-NPs) to create a particulate immunogen for neutralizing antibody (NAb) induction. The attached trimers, ∼20 per particle, retained native-like antigenicity, judged by reactivity with NAbs and non-NAbs. Bivalent (BG505 and B41) trimer IO-NPs were made, as were IO-NPs displaying B41 trimers carrying a PADRE T-cell helper epitope (TCHE). We immunized mice with B41 soluble or IO-NP trimers after PADRE peptide priming. After two immunizations, IO-NP presentation and the TCHE tag independently and substantially increased anti-trimer antibody responses, but titer differences waned after two further doses. Notable and unexpected findings were that autologous NAbs to the N289 glycan hole epitope were consistently induced in mice given soluble but not IO-NP trimers. Various recombinant mannose binding lectins (MBLs) and MBLs in sera of both murine and human origin bound to soluble and IO-NP trimers. MBL binding occluded the autologous NAb epitope on the B41 IO-NP trimers, which may contribute to its poor immunogenicity. The exposure of a subset of broadly active NAb epitopes was also impaired by MBL binding, which could have substantial implications for the utility of trimer-bearing nanoparticles in general and perhaps also for soluble Env proteins. IMPORTANCE Recombinant trimeric SOSIP proteins are vaccine components intended to induce neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) that prevent cells from infection by human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). A way to increase the strength of antibody responses to these proteins is to present them on the surface of nanoparticles (NPs). We chemically attached about 20 SOSIP trimers to NPs made of iron oxide (IO). The resulting IO-NP trimers had appropriate properties when we studied them in the laboratory but, unexpectedly, were less able to induce NAbs than nonattached trimers when used to immunize mice. We found that mannose binding lectins, proteins naturally present in the serum of mice and other animals, bound strongly to the soluble and IO-NP trimers, blocking access to antibody epitopes in a way that may impede the development of NAb responses. These findings should influence how trimer-bearing NPs of various designs are made and used.

An MPER antibody neutralizes HIV-1 using germline features shared among donors

Zhang L, Irimia A, He L, Landais E, Rantalainen K, Leaman DP, Vollbrecht T, Stano A, Sands DI, Kim AS; IAVI Protocol G Investigators, Poignard P, Burton DR, Murrell B, Ward AB, Zhu J, Wilson IA, Zwick MB.
Nature Communications Nov. 26, 2019

The membrane-proximal external region (MPER) of HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) can be targeted by neutralizing antibodies of exceptional breadth. MPER antibodies usually have long, hydrophobic CDRH3s, lack activity as inferred germline precursors, are often from the minor IgG3 subclass, and some are polyreactive, such as 4E10. Here we describe an MPER broadly neutralizing antibody from the major IgG1 subclass, PGZL1, which shares germline V/D-region genes with 4E10, has a shorter CDRH3, and is less polyreactive. A recombinant sublineage variant pan-neutralizes a 130-isolate panel at 1.4 μg/ml (IC50). Notably, a germline revertant with mature CDR3s neutralizes 12% of viruses and still binds MPER after DJ reversion. Crystal structures of lipid-bound PGZL1 variants and cryo-EM reconstruction of an Env-PGZL1 complex reveal how these antibodies recognize MPER and viral membrane. Discovery of common genetic and structural elements among MPER antibodies from different patients suggests that such antibodies could be elicited using carefully designed immunogens.

Influenza hemagglutinin-specific IgA Fc-effector functionality is restricted to stalk epitopes

Freyn AW, Han J, Guthmiller JJ, Bailey MJ, Neu K, Turner HL, Rosado VC, Chromikova V, Huang M, Strohmeier S, Liu STH, Simon V, Krammer F, Ward AB, Palese P, Wilson PC, Nachbagauer R.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Nov. 25, 2019

In this study, we utilized a panel of human immunoglobulin (Ig) IgA monoclonal antibodies isolated from the plasmablasts of eight donors after 2014/2015 influenza virus vaccination (Fluarix) to study the binding and functional specificities of this isotype. In this cohort, isolated IgA monoclonal antibodies were primarily elicited against the hemagglutinin protein of the H1N1 component of the vaccine. To compare effector functionalities, an H1-specific subset of antibodies targeting distinct epitopes were expressed as monomeric, dimeric, or secretory IgA, as well as in an IgG1 backbone. When expressed with an IgG Fc domain, all antibodies elicited Fc-effector activity in a primary polymorphonuclear cell-based assay which differs from previous observations that found only stalk-specific antibodies activate the low-affinity FcγRIIIa. However, when expressed with IgA Fc domains, only antibodies targeting the stalk domain showed Fc-effector activity in line with these previous findings. To identify the cause of this discrepancy, we then confirmed that IgG signaling through the high-affinity FcγI receptor was not restricted to stalk epitopes. Since no corresponding high-affinity Fcα receptor exists, the IgA repertoire may therefore be limited to stalk-specific epitopes in the context of Fc receptor signaling.

Structural Basis of Protection against H7N9 Influenza Virus by Human Anti-N9 Neuraminidase Antibodies

Zhu X, Turner HL, Lang S, McBride R, Bangaru S, Gilchuk IM, Yu W, Paulson JC, Crowe JE Jr, Ward AB, Wilson IA.
Cell Host & Microbe Nov. 25, 2019

Influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) is a major target for small-molecule antiviral drugs. Antibodies targeting the NA surface antigen could also inhibit virus entry and egress to provide host protection. However, our understanding of the nature and range of target epitopes is limited because of a lack of human antibody structures with influenza neuraminidase. Here, we describe crystal and cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of NAs from human-infecting avian H7N9 viruses in complex with five human anti-N9 antibodies, systematically defining several antigenic sites and antibody epitope footprints. These antibodies either fully or partially block the NA active site or bind to epitopes distant from the active site while still showing neuraminidase inhibition. The inhibition of antibodies to NAs was further analyzed by glycan array and solution-based NA activity assays. Together, these structural studies provide insights into protection by anti-NA antibodies and templates for the development of NA-based influenza virus vaccines and therapeutics.

Identification of IOMA-class neutralizing antibodies targeting the CD4-binding site on the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein

van Schooten J, Farokhi E, Schorcht A, van den Kerkhof TLGM, Gao H, van der Woude P, Burger JA, Meesters TGR, Bijl T, Ghalaiyini R, Turner HL, Dorning J, van Schaik BDC, van Kampen AHC, Labranche CC, Stanfield RL, Sok D, Montefiori DC, Burton DR, Seaman MS, Ozorowski G, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, Ward AB, van Gils MJ.
Nature Communications Nov. 7, 2019

A major goal of current HIV-1 vaccine design efforts is to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). The VH1-2-derived bNAb IOMA directed to the CD4-binding site of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein is of interest because, unlike the better-known VH1-2-derived VRC01-class bNAbs, it does not require a rare short light chain complementarity-determining region 3 (CDRL3). Here, we describe three IOMA-class NAbs, ACS101-103, with up to 37% breadth, that share many characteristics with IOMA, including an average-length CDRL3. Cryo-electron microscopy revealed that ACS101 shares interactions with those observed with other VH1-2 and VH1-46-class bNAbs, but exhibits a unique binding mode to residues in loop D. Analysis of longitudinal sequences from the patient suggests that a transmitter/founder-virus lacking the N276 glycan might have initiated the development of these NAbs. Together these data strengthen the rationale for germline-targeting vaccination strategies to induce IOMA-class bNAbs and provide a wealth of sequence and structural information to support such strategies. HIV-1 vaccine design aims to induce broadly neutralizing antibodies such as IOMA, the only described antibody in its class. Here, the authors present the isolation, characterisation and structure of three additional antibodies within the IOMA class

Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Networks of HIV-1 envelope glycans maintain antibody epitopes in the face of glycan additions and deletions

Seabright GE, Cottrell CA, van Gils MJ, D’addabbo A, Harvey DJ, Behrens AJ, Allen JD, Watanabe Y, Maker A, Vasiljevic S, de Val N, Sanders RW, Ward AB, Crispin M

Now Published: 10.1016/j.str.2020.04.022
bioRxiv Feb. 23, 2020

Vulnerabilities in coronavirus glycan shields despite extensive glycosylation

Watanabe Y, Berndsen ZT, Raghwani J, Seabright GE, Allen JD, McLellan JS, Wilson IA, Bowden TA, Ward AB, Crispin M

Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-020-16567-0
bioRxiv Feb. 21, 2020

Targeting HIV Env immunogens to B cell follicles in non-human primates through immune complex or protein nanoparticle formulations

Martin JT, Cottrell CA, Antanasijevic A, Carnathan DG, Cossette BJ, Enemuo CA, Gebru EH, Choe Y, Viviano F, Tokatlian T, Cirelli KM, Ueda G, Copps J, Schiffner T, Menis S, Schief WR, Crotty S, King NP, Baker D, Silvestri G, Ward AB, Irvine DJ

Now Published: 10.1038/s41541-020-00223-1
bioRxiv Feb. 20, 2020

Structure and immune recognition of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus spike protein

Kirchdoerfer RN, Bhandari M, Martini O, Sewall LM, Bangaru S, Yoon KJ, Ward AB

Now Published: 10.1016/j.str.2020.12.003
bioRxiv Feb. 19, 2020

Mapping the immunogenic landscape of near-native HIV-1 envelope trimers in non-human primates

Cottrell CA, van Schooten J, Bowman CA, Yuan M, Oyen D, Shin M, Morpurgo R, van der Woude P, van Breemen M, Torres JL, Patel R, Gross J, Sewall LM, Copps J, Ozorowski G, Nogal B, Sok D, Rakasz EG, Labranche C, Vigdorovich V, Christley S, Carnathan DG, Sather DN, Montefiori D, Silvestri G, Burton DR, Moore JP, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, Ward AB, van Gils MJ

Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008753
bioRxiv Feb. 7, 2020

Structural and functional evaluation of de novo-designed, two-component nanoparticle carriers for HIV Env trimer immunogens

Antanasijevic A, Ueda G, JM Brouwer P, Copps J, Huang D, Allen JD, Cottrell CA, Yasmeen A, Sewall LM, Bontjer I, Ketas TJ, Turner HL, Berndsen ZT, Klasse PJ, Crispin M, Nemazee D, Moore JP, Sanders RW, King NP, Baker D, Ward AB

Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008665
bioRxiv Feb. 2, 2020

Tailored Design of Protein Nanoparticle Scaffolds for Multivalent Presentation of Viral Glycoprotein Antigens

Ueda G, Antanasijevic A, Fallas JA, Sheffler W, Copps J, Ellis D, Hutchinson G, Moyer A, Yasmeen A, Tsybovsky Y, Park YJ, Bick MJ, Sankaran B, Gillespie RA, M. Brouwer PJ, Zwart PH, Veesler D, Kanekiyo M, Graham BS, Sanders R, Moore JP, Klasse PJ, Ward AB, King N, Baker D

Now Published: 10.7554/eLife.57659
bioRxiv Jan. 30, 2020

HIV-1 Envelope and MPER antibody structures in lipid assemblies

Rantalainen K, Berndsen ZT, Antanasijevic A, Schiffner T, Zhang X, Lee WH, Torres JL, Zhang L, Irimia A, Copps J, Zhou K, Do Kwon Y, Law WH, Schramm CA, Verardi R, Krebs S, Kwong PD, Doria-Rose NA, Wilson IA, Zwick MB, Yates JR, Schief WR, Ward AB

Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107583
bioRxiv Nov. 15, 2019

Visualization of the HIV-1 Env Glycan Shield Across Scales

Berndsen ZT, Chakraborty S, Wang X, Cottrell CA, Torres JL, Diedrich JK, López CA, Yates JR, van Gils MJ, Paulson JC, Gnanakaran S, Ward AB

Now Published: 10.1073/pnas.2000260117
bioRxiv Nov. 12, 2019

Quantification of the Resilience and Vulnerability of HIV-1 Native Glycan Shield at Atomistic Detail

Chakraborty S, Berndsen ZT, Hengartner NW, Korber BT, Ward AB, Gnanakaran SG

Now Published: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101836
bioRxiv Nov. 12, 2019