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Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Deep repertoire mining uncovers ultra-broad coronavirus neutralizing antibodies targeting multiple spike epitopes

Hurtado J, Rogers TF, Jaffe DB, Adams BA, Bangaru S, Garcia E, Capozzola T, Messmer T, Sharma P, Song G, Beutler N, He W, Dueker K, Musharrafieh R, Stubbington MJ, Burton DR, Andrabi R, Ward AB, McDonnell WJ, Briney B
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2024.114307
bioRxiv March 28, 2023

Development of vaccines and therapeutics that are broadly effective against known and emergent coronaviruses is an urgent priority. Current strategies for developing pan-coronavirus countermeasures have largely focused on the receptor binding domain (RBD) and S2 regions of the coronavirus Spike protein; it has been unclear whether the N-terminal domain (NTD) is a viable target for universal vaccines and broadly neutralizing antibodies (Abs). Additionally, many RBD-targeting Abs have proven susceptible to viral escape. We screened the circulating B cell repertoires of COVID-19 survivors and vaccinees using multiplexed panels of uniquely barcoded antigens in a high-throughput single cell workflow to isolate over 9,000 SARS-CoV-2-specific monoclonal Abs (mAbs), providing an expansive view of the SARS-CoV-2-specific Ab repertoire. We observed many instances of clonal coalescence between individuals, suggesting that Ab responses frequently converge independently on similar genetic solutions. Among the recovered antibodies was TXG-0078, a public neutralizing mAb that binds the NTD supersite region of the coronavirus Spike protein and recognizes a diverse collection of alpha- and beta-coronaviruses. TXG-0078 achieves its exceptional binding breadth while utilizing the same VH1-24 variable gene signature and heavy chain-dominant binding pattern seen in other NTD supersite-specific neutralizing Abs with much narrower specificity. We also report the discovery of CC24.2, a pan-sarbecovirus neutralizing mAb that targets a novel RBD epitope and shows similar neutralization potency against all tested SARS-CoV-2 variants, including BQ.1.1 and XBB.1.5. A cocktail of TXG-0078 and CC24.2 provides protection against in vivo challenge with SARS-CoV-2, suggesting potential future use in variant-resistant therapeutic Ab cocktails and as templates for pan-coronavirus vaccine design.

Conformational antigenic heterogeneity as a cause of the persistent fraction in HIV-1 neutralization

Colin P, Ringe RP, Yasmeen A, Ozorowski G, Ketas TJ, Lee WH, Ward AB, Moore JP, Klasse PJ
Research Square Feb. 21, 2023

Neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) protect against HIV-1 acquisition in animal models and show promise in treatment of infection. They act by binding to the viral envelope glycoprotein (Env), thereby blocking its receptor interactions and fusogenic function. The potency of neutralization is largely determined by affinity. Less well explained is the persistent fraction, the plateau of remaining infectivity at the highest antibody concentrations.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong></p> <p>We observed different persistent fractions for NAb neutralization of pseudovirus derived from two Tier-2 isolates of HIV-1, BG505 (Clade A) and B41 (Clade B): it was pronounced for B41 but not BG505 neutralization by NAb PGT151, directed to the interface between the outer and transmembrane subunits of Env, but negligible for either virus by NAb PGT145 to an apical epitope. Autologous neutralization by poly- and monoclonal NAbs from rabbits immunized with soluble native-like B41 trimer also left substantial persistent fractions. These NAbs largely target a cluster of epitopes in a hole in the dense glycan shield of Env around residue 289. We partially depleted B41-virion populations by incubating them with PGT145- or PGT151-conjugated beads. Each depletion reduced the sensitivity to the depleting NAb and enhanced it to the other. Autologous neutralization by the rabbit NAbs was reduced for PGT145-depleted and enhanced for PGT151-depleted B41 pseudovirus. Those changes in sensitivity encompassed both potency and the persistent fraction. We then compared soluble native-like BG505 and B41 Env trimers affinity-purified by one of three NAbs: 2G12, PGT145, or PGT151. Surface plasmon resonance showed differences among the fractions in antigenicity, including kinetics and stoichiometry, congruently with the differential neutralization. The large persistent fraction after PGT151 neutralization of B41 was attributable to low stoichiometry, which we explained structurally by the conformational plasticity of B41 Env.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion</strong></p> <p>Distinct antigenic forms even of clonal HIV-1 Env, detectable among soluble native-like trimer molecules, are distributed over virions and may profoundly mold neutralization of certain isolates by certain NAbs. Affinity purifications with some antibodies may yield immunogens that preferentially expose epitopes for broadly active NAbs, while shielding less cross-reactive ones. NAbs reactive with multiple conformers will together reduce the persistent fraction after passive and active immunization.</p>

Bispecific antibodies combine breadth, potency, and avidity of parental antibodies to neutralize sarbecoviruses

Radić L, Sliepen K, Yin V, Brinkkemper M, Capella-Pujol J, Schriek AI, Torres JL, Bangaru S, Burger JA, Poniman M, Bontjer I, Bouhuijs JH, Gideonse D, Eggink D, Ward AB, R. Heck AJ, Van Gils MJ, Sanders RW, Schinkel J
Now Published: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.106540
bioRxiv Nov. 11, 2022

SARS-CoV-2 mutational variants evade humoral immune responses elicited by vaccines and current monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapies. Novel antibody-based treatments will thus need to exhibit broad neutralization against different variants. Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) combine the specificities of two distinct antibodies into one antibody taking advantage of the avidity, synergy and cooperativity provided by targeting two different epitopes. Here we used controlled Fab-arm exchange (cFAE), a versatile and straightforward method, to produce bsAbs that neutralize SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 variants, including Omicron and its subvariants, by combining potent SARS-CoV-2-specific neutralizing antibodies with broader but less potent antibodies that also neutralize SARS-CoV. We demonstrate that the parental IgG’s rely on avidity for their neutralizing activity by comparing their potency to bsAbs containing one irrelevant “dead” Fab arm. We used single particle mass photometry to measure formation of antibody:spike complexes, and determined that bsAbs increase binding stoichiometry compared to corresponding cocktails, without a loss of binding affinity. The heterogeneous binding pattern of bsAbs to spike (S), observed by negative-stain electron microscopy and mass photometry provided evidence for both intra- and inter-spike crosslinking. This study highlights the utility of cross-neutralizing antibodies for designing bivalent or multivalent agents to provide a robust activity against circulating variants, as well as future SARS-like coronaviruses.

Site of vulnerability on SARS-CoV-2 spike induces broadly protective antibody to antigenically distinct omicron SARS-CoV-2 subvariants

Changrob S, Halfmann PJ, Liu H, Torres JL, McGrath JJ, Ozorowski G, Li L, Kuroda M, Maemura T, Huang M, Wilbanks GD, Zheng NY, Turner HL, Erickson SA, Fu Y, Singh G, Krammer F, Sather DN, Ward AB, Wilson IA, Kawaoka Y, Wilson PC
Now Published: 10.1172/JCI166844
bioRxiv Oct. 31, 2022

The rapid evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variants has emphasized the need to identify antibodies with broad neutralizing capabilities to inform future monoclonal therapies and vaccination strategies. Herein, we identify S728-1157, a broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) targeting the receptor-binding site (RBS) and derived from an individual previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 prior to the spread of variants of concern (VOCs). S728-1157 demonstrates broad cross-neutralization of all dominant variants including D614G, Beta, Delta, Kappa, Mu, and Omicron (BA.1/BA.2/BA.2.75/BA.4/BA.5/BL.1). Furthermore, it protected hamsters against in vivo challenges with wildtype, Delta, and BA.1 viruses. Structural analysis reveals that this antibody targets a class 1 epitope via multiple hydrophobic and polar interactions with its CDR-H3, in addition to common class 1 motifs in CDR-H1/CDR-H2. Importantly, this epitope is more readily accessible in the open and prefusion state, or in the hexaproline (6P)-stabilized spike constructs, as compared to diproline (2P) constructs. Overall, S728-1157 demonstrates broad therapeutic potential, and may inform target-driven vaccine design against future SARS-CoV-2 variants.

Broad SARS-CoV-2 Neutralization by Monoclonal and Bispecific Antibodies Derived from a Gamma-infected Individual

Guerra D, Beaumont T, Radić L, Kerster G, van der Straten K, Yuan M, Torres JL, Lee WH, Liu H, Poniman M, Bontjer I, Burger JA, Claireaux M, Caniels TG, Snitselaar JL, L Bijl TP, Kruijer S, Ozorowski G, Gideonse D, Sliepen K, Ward AB, Eggink D, de Bree GJ, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, van Gils MJ
Now Published: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.108009
bioRxiv Oct. 14, 2022

ABSTRACT The worldwide pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has remained a human medical threat due to the continued evolution of multiple variants that acquire resistance to vaccines and prior infection. Therefore, it is imperative to discover monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that neutralize a broad range of SARS-CoV-2 variants for therapeutic and prophylactic use. A stabilized autologous SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein was used to enrich antigen-specific B cells from an individual with a primary Gamma variant infection. Five mAbs selected from those B cells showed considerable neutralizing potency against multiple variants of concern, with COVA309-35 being the most potent against the autologous virus, as well as against Omicron BA.1 and BA.2. When combining the COVA309 mAbs as cocktails or bispecific antibody formats, the breadth and potency was significantly improved against all tested variants. In addition, the mechanism of cross-neutralization of the COVA309 mAbs was elucidated by structural analysis. Altogether these data indicate that a Gamma-infected individual can develop broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Structural basis of epitope selectivity and potent protection from malaria by PfCSP antibody L9

Martin GM, Fernández-Quintero ML, Lee WH, Pholcharee T, Eshun-Wilson L, Liedl KR, Pancera M, Seder RA, Wilson IA, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-023-38509-2
bioRxiv Oct. 7, 2022

A primary objective in malaria vaccine design is the generation of high-quality antibody responses against the circumsporozoite protein of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum (PfCSP). To enable rational antigen design, we solved a cryo-EM structure of the highly potent anti-PfCSP antibody L9 in complex with recombinant PfCSP. We found that L9 Fab binds multivalently to the CSP minor (NPNV) repeats, which is stabilized by a novel set of affinity-matured homotypic, antibody-antibody contacts. Molecular dynamics simulations revealed a critical role of the L9 light chain in integrity of the homotypic interface, which likely impacts CSP affinity and protective efficacy. These findings reveal the molecular mechanism of the unique NPNV selectivity of L9 and emphasize the importance of anti-homotypic affinity maturation in protective immunity against P. falciparum. The L9 light chain is crucial for potency by conferring multivalent, high affinity binding to the NPNV minor repeats of PfCSP.

Structural conservation of Lassa virus glycoproteins and recognition by neutralizing antibodies

Perrett HR, M. Brouwer PJ, Hurtado J, Newby ML, Burger JA, Liu L, Bouhuijs JH, Gibson G, Messmer T, Schieffelin JS, Antanasijevic A, Boons GJ, Crispin M, Sanders RW, Briney B, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112524
bioRxiv Sept. 26, 2022

Lassa fever is an acute hemorrhagic fever caused by the zoonotic Lassa virus (LASV). The LASV glycoprotein complex (GPC) mediates viral entry and is the sole target for neutralizing antibodies. Immunogen design is complicated by the metastable nature of recombinant GPCs and the antigenic differences amongst LASV lineages. Despite the sequence diversity of GPC, structures of most lineages are lacking. We present the development and characterization of prefusion-stabilized, trimeric GPCs of LASV lineages II, V, and VI, revealing structural conservation despite sequence diversity. High-resolution structures and biophysical characterization of GPC in complex with GP1-A antibodies reveal their neutralization mechanisms. Finally, we present the isolation and characterization of a novel trimer-preferring neutralizing antibody belonging to the GPC-B competition group with an epitope that spans adjacent protomers and includes the fusion peptide. Our work provides molecular detail information on LASV antigenic diversity and will guide efforts to design pan-LASV vaccines. Structural characterization of soluble glycoproteins from four Lassa virus lineages. MAb 12.1F, belonging to the GP1-A cluster, inhibits matriglycan and LAMP-1 binding. GP1-A mAbs show glycan-dependence with 19.7E demonstrating lineage-dependent binding. A novel trimer-preferring NAb S370.7 targets the GPC-B epitope.

Affinity-matured homotypic interactions induce spectrum of PfCSP-antibody structures that influence protection from malaria infection

Martin G, Torres JL, Pholcharee T, Oyen D, Flores-Garcia Y, Gibson G, Moskovitz R, Beutler N, Jung DD, Copps J, Lee WH, Gonzalez-Paez G, Emerling D, MacGill RS, Locke E, Richter King C, Zavala F, Wilson IA, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-023-40151-x
bioRxiv Sept. 20, 2022

The generation of high-quality antibody responses to PfCSP, the primary surface antigen of Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites, is paramount to the development of an effective malaria vaccine. Here we present an in-depth structural and functional analysis of a panel of potent antibodies encoded by the IGHV3-33 germline gene, which is among the most prevalent and potent antibody families induced in the anti-CSP immune response and targets the NANP repeat region. Cryo-EM reveals a remarkable spectrum of helical Fab-CSP structures stabilized by homotypic interactions between tightly packed Fabs, many of which correlate with somatic hypermutation. We demonstrate a key role of these mutated homotypic contacts for high avidity binding to CSP and in protection from P. falciparum malaria infection. These data emphasize the importance of anti-homotypic affinity maturation in the frequent selection of IGHV3-33 antibodies, advance our understanding of the mechanism(s) of antibody-mediated protection, and inform next generation CSP vaccine design.

Improving the secretion of designed protein assemblies through negative design of cryptic transmembrane domains

Wang JYJ, Khmelinskaia A, Sheffler W, Miranda MC, Antanasijevic A, Borst AJ, Vazquez Torres S, Shu C, Hsia Y, Nattermann U, Ellis D, Walkey C, Ahlrichs M, Chan S, Kang A, Nguyen H, Sydeman C, Sankaran B, Wu M, Bera AK, Carter L, Fiala B, Murphy M, Baker D, Ward AB, King NP
Now Published: 10.1073/pnas.2214556120
bioRxiv Aug. 4, 2022

Computationally designed protein nanoparticles have recently emerged as a promising platform for the development of new vaccines and biologics. For many applications, secretion of designed nanoparticles from eukaryotic cells would be advantageous, but in practice they often secrete poorly. Here we show that designed hydrophobic interfaces that drive nanoparticle assembly are often predicted to form cryptic transmembrane domains, suggesting that interaction with the membrane insertion machinery could limit efficient secretion. We develop a general computational protocol, the Degreaser, to design away cryptic transmembrane domains without sacrificing protein stability. Retroactive application of the Degreaser to previously designed nanoparticle components and nanoparticles considerably improves secretion, and modular integration of the Degreaser into design pipelines results in new nanoparticles that secrete as robustly as naturally occurring protein assemblies. Both the Degreaser protocol and the novel nanoparticles we describe may be broadly useful in biotechnological applications.

Single-component multilayered self-assembling protein nanoparticles presenting glycan-trimmed uncleaved prefusion optimized envelope trimers as HIV-1 vaccine candidates

Zhang YN, Paynter J, Antanasijevic A, Allen JD, Eldad M, Lee YZ, Copps J, Newby M, He L, Chavez D, Frost P, Goodroe A, Dutton J, Lanford R, Chen C, Wilson IA, Crispin M, Ward AB, Zhu J
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-023-37742-z
bioRxiv July 1, 2022

Uncleaved prefusion-optimized (UFO) design can stabilize diverse HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins (Envs). Single-component, self-assembling protein nanoparticles (1c-SApNP) can display 8 or 20 trimeric antigens as multivalent vaccines. Here, we characterized the biophysical, structural, and antigenic properties of 1c-SApNPs that present the BG505 UFO trimer with wildtype and modified glycans. Trimming the glycan shield improved Env recognition by broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs) to the CD4 binding site and other major glycan-containing epitopes. In mice, rabbits, and nonhuman primates, glycan trimming increased the frequency of vaccine responders (FVR) and steered antibody responses away from immunodominant glycan holes and glycan epitopes. The mechanism of vaccine-induced immunity was examined in mice. Compared with the soluble trimer, two large 1c-SApNPs showed 420 times longer retention, 20-32 times greater presentation on follicular dendritic cell dendrites, and up-to-4 times stronger germinal center reactions in lymph node follicles. These findings will inform the next phase of HIV-1 vaccine development. Glycan trimming of HIV-1 Env immunogens improves the vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody responses in small animals and primates

LipIDens: Simulation assisted interpretation of lipid densities in cryo-EM structures of membrane proteins

Ansell TB, Song W, Coupland CE, Carrique L, Corey RA, Duncan AL, Cassidy CK, G. Geurts MM, Rasmussen T, Ward AB, Siebold C, Stansfeld PJ, P. Sansom MS
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-023-43392-y
bioRxiv June 30, 2022

Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) enables the determination of membrane protein structures in native-like environments. Characterising how membrane proteins interact with the surrounding membrane lipid environment is assisted by resolution of lipid-like densities visible in cryo-EM maps. Nevertheless, establishing the molecular identity of putative lipid and/or detergent densities remains challenging. Here we present LipIDens, a pipeline for molecular dynamics (MD) simulation-assisted interpretation of lipid and lipid-like densities in cryo-EM structures. The pipeline integrates the implementation and analysis of multi-scale MD simulations for identification, ranking and refinement of lipid binding poses which superpose onto cryo-EM map densities. Thus, LipIDens enables direct integration of experimental and computational structural approaches to facilitate the interpretation of lipid-like cryo-EM densities and to reveal the molecular identities of protein-lipid interactions within a bilayer environment. The LipIDens code is open-source and embedded within a notebook format to assist automation and usability.

Lassa virus glycoprotein nanoparticles elicit a neutralizing antibody that defines a new site of vulnerability

M Brouwer PJ, Antanasijevic A, Ronk AJ, Müller-Kräuter H, Watanabe Y, Claireaux M, Lloyd NM, L Bijl TP, Perrett HR, Steijaert T, Burger JA, van Haaren MM, Sliepen K, van Gils MJ, Crispin M, Strecker T, Bukreyev A, Ward AB, Sanders RW
Now Published: 10.1016/j.chom.2022.10.018
bioRxiv March 28, 2022

Abstract Lassa virus is endemic in large parts of West Africa and causes a hemorrhagic fever. Recent years have seen several serious outbreaks of Lassa fever with high mortality rates. A vaccine to curtail infection is urgently needed. The development of a recombinant protein vaccine has been hampered by the instability of soluble Lassa virus glycoprotein complex (GPC) trimers, which disassemble into monomeric subunits after expression. Here we use two-component protein nanoparticles to stabilize GPC in a trimeric conformation and present twenty prefusion GPC trimers on the surface of an icosahedral nanoparticle. Cryo-EM studies of assembled GPC nanoparticles demonstrated a well-ordered structure and yielded a high-resolution structure of an unliganded GPC. These nanoparticles induced potent humoral immune responses in rabbits and protective immunity against a lethal Lassa virus challenge in guinea pigs. We isolated a neutralizing antibody which was mapped to the putative receptor-binding site, revealing a novel site of vulnerability on GPC.

CD4 binding-site antibodies induced by a subtype B HIV-1 envelope trimer

Schorcht A, van den Kerkhof TL, Torres J, Schermer E, LaBranche CC, Bontjer I, Brinkkemper M, Gulzar N, Han AX, Burger J, Ozorowski G, Scott JK, Schuitemaker H, Montefiori D, van Gils MJ, Ward AB, Sanders R
bioRxiv March 23, 2022

In the last decade considerable advances have been made towards the design of HIV-1 vaccines that induce neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). Despite the progress, no vaccine is able to consistently elicited broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). Here we present a case study of a rabbit that was immunized with a subtype B native like envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer, AMC016 SOSIP.v4.2, with a dense and intact glycan shield, followed by a trivalent combination of subtype B trimers. After the priming phase serum from this animal neutralized several heterologous subtype B neutralization resistant (tier 2) viruses. Subsequent immunization with the trivalent combination of subtype B trimers further increased the breadth and potency of the NAb response. EM based polyclonal epitope mapping revealed that a cross reactive CD4 binding-site (CD4bs) antibody response, that was present after priming with the monovalent trimer and boosting with the trivalent combination, was most likely responsible for the broad neutralization. While anecdotal, this study provides proof-of-concept that native-like Env trimers are capable of inducing CD4bs-directed bNAb responses and should guide efforts to improve the consistency with which such responses are generated.

Structural motifs for subtype-specific pH-sensitive gating of vertebrate otopetrin proton channels

Teng B, Kaplan JP, Liang Z, Kreiger Z, Tu YH, Burendei B, Ward A, Liman ER
Now Published: 10.7554/eLife.77946
bioRxiv March 1, 2022

Abstract Otopetrin (OTOP) channels are proton-selective ion channels conserved among vertebrates and invertebrates and with no structural similarity to other ion channels. There are three vertebrate OTOP channels (OTOP1, OTOP2, and OTOP3), of which one (OTOP1), functions as a sour taste receptor. Whether OTOP channels are gated by, as well as permeating, protons was not known. Here, by comparing functional properties of the three vertebrate proton channels with patch-clamp recording and cytosolic pH microfluorimetry, we provide evidence that each is gated by external protons. OTOP1 and OTOP3 are both activated by extracellular protons, with a sharp threshold of pHe <6.0 and 5.5 respectively, while OTOP2 is negatively gated by protons, and more conductive at alkaline extracellular pH (>pH 9.0). Strikingly, we found that we could change pH-sensitive gating of OTOP2 and OTOP3 channels by swapping extracellular linkers that connect transmembrane domains. Swaps of linkers within the N domain changed the relative conductance at alkaline pH, while swaps within the C domain tended to change the rates of OTOP3 current activation. We conclude that members of the OTOP channel family are proton-gated (acid-sensitive) proton channels and that the gating apparatus is distributed across multiple extracellular regions within both the N and C domains of the channels. In addition to the taste system, OTOP channels are found in the vestibular and digestive systems, where pH sensitivity may be tuned to specific functions.

High-resolution structural analysis of enterovirus-reactive polyclonal antibodies in complex with whole virions

Antanasijevic A, Schulze AJ, Reddy VS, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgac253
bioRxiv Jan. 31, 2022

Non-polio enteroviruses (NPEVs) cause serious illnesses in young children and neonates including aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, neonatal sepsis and inflammatory muscle disease, among others. Over 100 serotypes have been described to date but except for the EV-A71, there are no available vaccines or therapeutics against NPEVs. Efforts towards rationally designed pan-NPEV vaccines would greatly benefit from structural biology methods for rapid and comprehensive evaluation of vaccine candidates and elicited antibody responses. Towards this goal, we tested if electron-microscopy-based polyclonal epitope mapping (EMPEM), a method where structural analysis is performed using serum-derived polyclonal antibodies (pAbs), can be applied to an NPEV. EMPEM was performed on immune complexes featuring CV-A21 viral particles and CV-A21-specific pAbs isolated from mice. Notably, this is the first example of structural analysis of polyclonal immune complexes comprising whole virions. We introduce a data processing workflow that allows reconstruction of different pAbs at near-atomic resolution. The analysis resulted in identification of several antibodies targeting two immunodominant epitopes, near the 3-fold and 5-fold axis of symmetry; the latter overlapping with the receptor binding site. These results demonstrate that EMPEM can be applied to map broad-spectrum polyclonal immune responses against intact virions and define potentially cross-reactive epitopes.

An infectious virus-like particle built on a programmable icosahedral DNA framework

Yang Y, Xu Y, Yang Y, Shi Q, Ward A, Wang W
Now Published: 10.26434/chemrxiv-2022-20s93
chemRxiv Jan. 17, 2022

Viral genomes can be compressed into a near spherical nanochamber to form infected particles. In order to mimic the virus morphology and packaging behavior, we invented a programmable icosahedral DNA nanoframe with enhanced rigidity and encapsulated the phiX174 bacteriophage genome. The packaging efficiency could be modulated through specific anchoring strands adjustment, and the enveloped phage genome remained accessible for enzymatic operations. Moreover, the packed complex could infect E. coli cells through bacterial uptake then produce plaques. This rigid icosahedral DNA architecture established a versatile platform to develop virus mimetic particles for convenient nucleic acid entrapment, manipulation and delivery.

Engineering SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies for increased potency and reduced viral escape

Zhao F, Keating C, Ozorowski G, Shaabani N, Francino-Urdaniz IM, Barman S, Limbo O, Burns A, Zhou P, Ricciardi MJ, Woehl J, Tran Q, Turner HL, Peng L, Huang D, Nemazee D, Andrabi R, Sok D, Teijaro JR, Whitehead TA, Ward AB, Burton DR, Jardine JG
Now Published: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104914
bioRxiv Jan. 6, 2022

The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants poses a constant threat of escape from monoclonal antibody and vaccine countermeasures. Mutations in the ACE2 receptor binding site on the surface S protein have been shown to disrupt antibody binding and prevent viral neutralization. Here, we use a directed evolution-based approach to engineer three neutralizing antibodies for enhanced binding to S protein. The engineered antibodies showed increased in vitro functional activity in terms of neutralization potency and/or breadth of neutralization against viral variants. Deep mutational scanning revealed that higher binding affinity reduced the total number of viral escape mutations. Studies in the Syrian hamster model showed two examples where the affinity matured antibody provided superior protection compared to the parental antibody. These data suggest that monoclonal antibodies for anti-viral indications could benefit from in vitro affinity maturation to reduce viral escape pathways and appropriate affinity maturation in vaccine immunization could help resist viral variation.

A combination of potently neutralizing monoclonal antibodies isolated from an Indian convalescent donor protects against the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant

Hingankar N, Deshpande S, Das P, Abbas Rizvi Z, Burns A, Barman S, Zhao F, Yousuf Ansari M, Mukherjee S, Torres JL, Chattopadhyay S, Mehdi F, Sutar J, Kumar Rathore D, Pargai K, Singh J, Sonar S, Jakhar K, Bhattacharyya S, Mani S, Singh S, Dandotiya J, Kshetrapal P, Thiruvengadam R, Batra G, Medigeshi G, Ward AB, Bhatnagar S, Awasthi A, Sok D, Bhattacharya J
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1010465
bioRxiv Dec. 25, 2021

Although efficacious vaccines have significantly reduced the morbidity and mortality due to COVID-19, there remains an unmet medical need for treatment options, which monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can potentially fill. This unmet need is exacerbated by the emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs) that have shown some resistance to vaccine responses. Here we report the isolation of two highly potently neutralizing mAbs (THSC20.HVTR04 and THSC20.HVTR26) from an Indian convalescent donor, that neutralize SARS-CoV-2 VOCs at picomolar concentrations including the delta variant (B.1.617.2). These two mAbs target non-overlapping epitopes on the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike protein thereby preventing the virus attachment to its host receptor, human angiotensin converting enzyme-2 (hACE2). Furthermore, the mAb cocktail demonstrated protection against the Delta variant at low antibody doses when passively administered in the K18 hACE2 transgenic mice model, highlighting their potential as cocktail for prophylactic and therapeutic applications. Developing the capacity to rapidly discover and develop mAbs effective against highly transmissible pathogens like coronaviruses at a local level, especially in a low- and middle-income country (LMIC) such as India, will enable prompt responses to future pandemics as an important component of global pandemic preparedness. Identification of an Indian convalescent donor prior to emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant whose plasma demonstrated neutralization breadth across SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOCs). Two (THSC20.HVTR04 and THSC20.HVTR26) monoclonal antibodies isolated from peripheral memory B cells potently neutralize SARS-CoV-2 VOCs: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and VOIs: Kappa and Delta Plus. THSC20.HVTR04 and THSC20.HVTR26 target non-competing epitopes on the receptor binding domain (RBD) and represent distinct germline lineages. Passive transfer of THSC20.HVTR04 and THSC20.HVTR26 mAbs demonstrated protection against Delta virus challenge in K18-hACE2 mice at low antibody doses.

Molecular insights into antibody-mediated protection against the prototypic simian immunodeficiency virus

Zhao F, Berndsen ZT, Pedreño-Lopez N, Burns A, Allen JD, Barman S, Lee WH, Chakraborty S, Gnanakaran S, Sewall LM, Ozorowski G, Limbo O, Song G, Yong P, Callaghan S, Weisgrau KL, Lifson JD, Nedellec R, Voigt TB, Laurino F, Louw J, Rosen BC, Ricciardi M, Crispin M, Desrosiers RC, Rakasz EG, Watkins DI, Andrabi R, Ward AB, Burton DR, Sok D
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-022-32783-2
bioRxiv Dec. 22, 2021

SIVmac239 infection of macaques is a favored model of human HIV infection. However, the SIVmac239 envelope (Env) trimer structure, glycan occupancy, and the targets and ability of neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) to protect against SIVmac239 remain unknown. Here, we report the isolation of SIVmac239 nAbs that recognize a glycan hole and the V1/V4 loop. A high-resolution structure of a SIVmac239 Env trimer-nAb complex shows many similarities to HIV and SIVcpz Envs, but with distinct V4 features and an extended V1 loop. Moreover, SIVmac239 Env has a higher glycan shield density than HIV Env that may contribute to poor or delayed nAb responses in SIVmac239-infected macaques. Passive transfer of a nAb protects macaques from repeated low dose intraveneous SIVmac239 challenge at serum titers comparable to those described for protection of humans against HIV infection. Our results provide structural insights for vaccine design and shed light on antibody-mediated protection in the SIV model.

Long-lasting germinal center responses to a priming immunization with continuous proliferation and somatic mutation

Lee JH, Sutton H, Cottrell CA, Phung I, Ozorowski G, Sewall LM, Nedellec R, Nakao C, Silva M, Richey ST, Torres JL, Lee WH, Georgeson E, Kubitz M, Hodges S, Mullen TM, Adachi Y, Cirelli KM, Kaur A, Allers-Hernandez C, Fahlberg M, Grasperge BF, Dufour JP, Schiro F, Aye PP, Carnathan DG, Silvestri G, Shen X, Montefiori DC, Veazey RS, Ward AB, Hangartner L, Burton DR, Irvine DJ, Schief WR, Crotty S
Now Published: 10.1038/s41586-022-05216-9
bioRxiv Dec. 20, 2021

Germinal centers (GCs) are the engines of antibody evolution. Using HIV Env protein immunogen priming in rhesus monkeys (RM) followed by a long period without further immunization, we demonstrate GC B cells (BGC) lasted at least 6 months (29 weeks), all the while maintaining rapid proliferation. A 186-fold BGC cell increase was present by week 10 compared to a conventional immunization. Single cell transcriptional profiling revealed that both light zone and dark zone GC states were sustained throughout the 6 months. Antibody somatic hypermutation (SHM) of BGC cells continued to accumulate throughout the 29 week priming period, with evidence of selective pressure. Additionally, Env-binding BGC cells were still 49-fold above baseline 29 weeks after immunization, suggesting that they could be active for significantly longer periods of time. High titers of HIV neutralizing antibodies were generated after a single booster immunization. Fully glycosylated HIV trimer protein is a complex antigen, posing significant immunodominance challenges for B cells, among other difficulties. Memory B cells (BMem) generated under these long priming conditions had higher levels of SHM, and both BMem cells and antibodies were more likely to recognize non-immunodominant epitopes. Numerous BGC cell lineage phylogenies spanning the >6-month GC period were identified, demonstrating continuous GC activity and selection for at least 191 days, with no additional antigen exposure. A long prime, adjuvanted, slow delivery (12-day) immunization approach holds promise for difficult vaccine targets, and suggests that patience can have great value for tuning GCs to maximize antibody responses.