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Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Polyclonal antibody responses to HIV Env immunogens resolved using cryoEM

Antanasijevic A, Sewall LM, Cottrell CA, Carnathan DG, Jimenez LE, Ngo JT, Silverman JB, Groschel B, Georgeson E, Bhiman J, Bastidas R, LaBranche C, Allen JD, Copps J, Perrett HR, Rantalainen K, Cannac F, Yang YR, Torrents de la Peña A, Froes Rocha R, Berndsen ZT, Baker D, King NP, Sanders RW, Moore JP, Crotty S, Crispin M, Montefiori DC, Burton DR, Schief WR, Silvestri G, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-021-25087-4
bioRxiv Jan. 28, 2021

Herein, we evaluated the immunogenicity of several BG505 SOSIP-based HIV Env immunogens in the rhesus macaque animal model using a combination of serology and biophysical approaches. We applied electron cryo-microscopy for high-resolution mapping of elicited polyclonal antibody responses, which provided detailed insights into the binding modes of the most common classes of antibodies elicited by BG505 SOSIP immunogens as well as the critical differences in immunogenicity that can occur as a consequence of engineered stabilizing mutations and partial glycan occupancy at different sites. Engineered ectodomain trimer immunogens based on BG505 envelope glycoprotein are widely utilized as components of HIV vaccine development platforms. In this study, we used rhesus macaques to evaluate the immunogenicity of several stabilized BG505 SOSIP constructs both as free trimers and presented on a nanoparticle. We applied a cryoEM-based method for high-resolution mapping of polyclonal antibody responses elicited in immunized animals (cryoEMPEM). Mutational analysis coupled with neutralization assays were used to probe the neutralization potential at each epitope. We demonstrate that cryoEMPEM data can be used for rapid, high-resolution analysis of polyclonal antibody responses without the need for monoclonal antibody isolation. This approach allowed to resolve structurally distinct classes of antibodies that bind overlapping sites. In addition to comprehensive mapping of commonly targeted neutralizing and non-neutralizing epitopes in BG505 SOSIP immunogens, our analysis revealed that epitopes comprising engineered stabilizing mutations and of partially occupied glycosylation sites can be immunogenic.

Canonical features of human antibodies recognizing the influenza hemagglutinin trimer interface

Zost SJ, Dong J, Gilchuk I, Gilchuk P, Thornburg NJ, Bangaru S, Kose N, Finn JA, Bombardi R, Soto C, Nargi R, Irving RP, Suryadevara N, Westover JB, Carnahan RH, Turner HL, Li S, Ward AB, Crowe JE
Now Published: 10.1172/jci146791
bioRxiv Dec. 31, 2020

Broadly reactive antibodies targeting the influenza A hemagglutinin (HA) head domain are thought to be rare and to require extensive somatic mutations or unusual structural features to achieve breadth against divergent HA subtypes. Here we describe common genetic and structural features of diverse human antibodies from several individuals recognizing the trimer interface (TI) of the influenza HA head, a recently identified site of vulnerability1–3. We examined the sequence of TI-reactive antibodies, determined crystal structures for TI antibody-antigen complexes, and analyzed the contact residues of the antibodies on HA to discover common genetic and structural features of TI antibodies. Our data reveal that many TI antibodies are encoded by a light chain variable gene segment incorporating a shared somatic mutation. In addition, these antibodies have a shared acidic residue in the heavy chain despite originating from diverse heavy chain variable gene segments. These studies show that the TI region of influenza HA is a major antigenic site with conserved structural features that are recognized by a common human B cell public clonotype. The canonical nature of this antibody-antigen interaction suggests that the TI epitope might serve as an important new target for structure-based vaccine design.

Neutralizing antibodies induced by first-generation gp41-stabilized HIV-1 envelope trimers and nanoparticles

Kumar S, Lin X, Ngo T, Shapero B, Sou C, Allen JD, Copps J, Zhang L, Ozorowski G, He L, Crispin M, Ward AB, Wilson IA, Zhu J
Now Published: 10.1128/mbio.00429-21
bioRxiv Dec. 2, 2020

Antigen-specific B-cell sorting and next-generation sequencing (NGS) were combined to isolate HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) from mice and rabbits immunized with BG505 trimers and nanoparticles. Three mouse NAbs potently neutralize BG505.T332N and recognize a glycan epitope centered at the C3/V4 region, as revealed by electron microscopy (EM), x-ray crystallography, and epitope mapping. Three potent NAbs were sorted from rabbit B cells that target glycan holes on the BG505 envelope glycoprotein (Env) and account for a significant portion of autologous NAb response. We then determined a 3.4Å-resolution crystal structure for the clade C transmitted/founder Du172.17 Env with a redesigned heptad repeat 1 (HR1) bend. This clade C Env, as a soluble trimer and attached to a ferritin nanoparticle, along with a clade A Q482-d12 Env trimer, elicited distinct NAb responses in rabbits. Our study demonstrates that nanoparticles presenting gp41-stabilized trimers can induce potent NAb responses in mice and rabbits with Env-dependent breadth. Mouse and rabbit NAbs elicited by gp41-stabilized trimers and nanoparticles neutralize autologous HIV-1 by targeting different epitopes

Immunofocusing and enhancing autologous Tier-2 HIV-1 neutralization by displaying Env trimers on two-component protein nanoparticles

Brouwer PJM, Antanasijevic A, de Gast M, Allen JD, L. Bijl TP, Yasmeen A, Ravichandran R, Burger JA, Ozorowski G, Torres JL, LaBranche C, Montefiori DC, Ringe RP, van Gils MJ, Moore JP, Klasse PJ, Crispin M, King NP, Ward AB, Sanders RW
Now Published: 10.1038/s41541-021-00285-9
bioRxiv Nov. 30, 2020

The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimer is poorly immunogenic because it is covered by a dense glycan shield. As a result, recombinant Env glycoproteins generally elicit inadequate antibody levels that neutralize clinically-relevant, neutralization-resistant (Tier-2) HIV-1 strains. Multivalent antigen presentation on nanoparticles is an established strategy to increase vaccine-driven immune responses. However, due to nanoparticle instability in vivo, the display of non-native Env structures, and the inaccessibility of many neutralizing antibody (NAb) epitopes, the effects of nanoparticle display have been modest for Env trimers. Here, we generated two-component self-assembling protein nanoparticles presenting twenty SOSIP trimers of the clade C Tier-2 genotype 16055. An immunization study in rabbits demonstrated that these nanoparticles induced 60-fold higher autologous Tier-2 NAb titers than the corresponding SOSIP trimers. Epitope mapping revealed that nanoparticle presentation focused antibody responses to an immunodominant apical epitope. Thus, these nanoparticles are a promising platform to improve the immunogenicity of Env trimers with apex-proximate NAb epitopes.

Two-component spike nanoparticle vaccine protects macaques from SARS-CoV-2 infection

Brouwer PJM, Brinkkemper M, Maisonnasse P, Dereuddre-Bosquet N, Grobben M, Claireaux M, de Gast M, Marlin R, Chesnais V, Diry S, Allen JD, Watanabe Y, Giezen JM, Kerster G, Turner HL, van der Straten K, van der Linden CA, Aldon Y, Naninck T, Bontjer I, Burger JA, Poniman M, Mykytyn AZ, A. Okba NM, Schermer EE, van Breemen MJ, Ravichandran R, Caniels TG, van Schooten J, Kahlaoui N, Contreras V, Lemaître J, Chapon C, Ho Tsong Fang R, Villaudy J, Sliepen K, van der Velden YU, Haagmans BL, de Bree GJ, Ginoux E, Ward AB, Crispin M, King NP, van der Werf S, van Gils MJ, Le Grand R, Sanders RW
Now Published: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.035
bioRxiv Nov. 7, 2020

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is continuing to disrupt personal lives, global healthcare systems and economies. Hence, there is an urgent need for a vaccine that prevents viral infection, transmission and disease. Here, we present a two-component protein-based nanoparticle vaccine that displays multiple copies of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Immunization studies show that this vaccine induces potent neutralizing antibody responses in mice, rabbits and cynomolgus macaques. The vaccine-induced immunity protected macaques against a high dose challenge, resulting in strongly reduced viral infection and replication in upper and lower airways. These nanoparticles are a promising vaccine candidate to curtail the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

High-resolution mapping of the neutralizing and binding specificities of polyclonal rabbit serum elicited by HIV Env trimer immunization

Dingens AS, Pratap P, Malone K, Hilton SK, Ketas T, Cottrell CA, Overbaugh J, Moore JP, Klasse PK, Ward AB, Bloom JD
Now Published: 10.7554/eLife.64281
bioRxiv Oct. 21, 2020

Mapping the epitope specificities of polyclonal serum is critical to rational vaccine design. However, most high-resolution mapping approaches involve isolating and characterizing individual monoclonal antibodies, which incompletely defines the full polyclonal response. Here we use two complementary approaches to directly map the specificities of the neutralizing and binding antibodies of polyclonal anti-HIV-1 sera from rabbits immunized with BG505 Env SOSIP trimers. To map the neutralizing specificity, we used mutational antigenic profiling to determine how all amino-acid mutations in Env affected viral neutralization. To map the binding specificity, we used electron microscopy polyclonal epitope mapping (EMPEM) to directly visualize the Fabs in serum bound to Env trimers. Mutational antigenic profiling showed that the dominant neutralizing specificities were the C3/V5 and/or 241/289 glycan hole epitopes, which were generally only a subset of the more diverse binding specificities mapped with EMPEM. Additional differences between binding and neutralization reflected antigenicity differences between virus and soluble Env trimer. Further, mutational antigenic profiling was able to refine epitope specificity in residue-level detail directly from sera, revealing subtle differences across rabbits. Together, mutational antigenic profiling and EMPEM allow for a holistic view of the binding and neutralizing specificity of polyclonal sera and could be used to finely evaluate and guide vaccine design.

Convergence of a common solution to broad ebolavirus neutralization by glycan cap directed human antibodies

Murin CD, Gilchuk P, Ilinykh PA, Huang K, Kuzmina N, Shen X, Bruhn JF, Bryan AL, Davidson E, Doranz BJ, Williamson LE, Copps J, Alkutkar T, Flyak AI, Bukreyev A, Crowe JE, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108984
bioRxiv Oct. 14, 2020

Antibodies that target the glycan cap epitope on ebolavirus glycoprotein (GP) are common in the adaptive response of survivors. A subset is known to be broadly neutralizing, but the details of their epitopes and basis for neutralization is not well-understood. Here we present cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures of several glycan cap antibodies that variably synergize with GP base-binding antibodies. These structures describe a conserved site of vulnerability that anchors the mucin-like domains (MLD) to the glycan cap, which we name the MLD-anchor and cradle. Antibodies that bind to the MLD-cradle share common features, including the use of IGHV1-69 and IGHJ6 germline genes, which exploit hydrophobic residues and form beta-hairpin structures to mimic the MLD-anchor, disrupt MLD attachment, destabilize GP quaternary structure and block cleavage events required for receptor binding. Our results collectively provide a molecular basis for ebolavirus neutralization by broadly reactive glycan cap antibodies.

Cross-reactive serum and memory B cell responses to spike protein in SARS-CoV-2 and endemic coronavirus infection

Song G, He WT, Callaghan S, Anzanello F, Huang D, Ricketts J, Torres JL, Beutler N, Peng L, Vargas S, Cassell J, Parren M, Yang L, Ignacio C, Smith DM, Voss JE, Nemazee D, Ward AB, Rogers T, Burton DR, Andrabi R
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-021-23074-3
bioRxiv Sept. 23, 2020

Pre-existing immune responses to seasonal endemic coronaviruses could have profound consequences for antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2, either induced in natural infection or through vaccination. Such consequences are well established in the influenza and flavivirus fields. A first step to establish whether pre-existing responses can impact SARS-CoV-2 infection is to understand the nature and extent of cross-reactivity in humans to coronaviruses. We compared serum antibody and memory B cell responses to coronavirus spike (S) proteins from pre-pandemic and SARS-CoV-2 convalescent donors using a series of binding and functional assays. We found weak evidence of pre-existing SARS-CoV-2 cross-reactive serum antibodies in pre-pandemic donors. However, we found stronger evidence of pre-existing cross-reactive memory B cells that were activated on SARS-CoV-2 infection. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) isolated from the donors showed varying degrees of cross-reactivity with betacoronaviruses, including SARS and endemic coronaviruses. None of the cross-reactive mAbs were neutralizing except for one that targeted the S2 subunit of the S protein. The results suggest that pre-existing immunity to endemic coronaviruses should be considered in evaluating antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2.

A natural mutation between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV determines neutralization by a cross-reactive antibody

Wu NC, Yuan M, Bangaru S, Huang D, Zhu X, Lee CCD, Turner HL, Peng L, Yang L, Nemazee D, Ward AB, Wilson IA
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009089
bioRxiv Sept. 21, 2020

Epitopes that are conserved among SARS-like coronaviruses are attractive targets for design of cross-reactive vaccines and therapeutics. CR3022 is a SARS-CoV neutralizing antibody to a highly conserved epitope on the receptor binding domain (RBD) on the spike protein that can cross-react with SARS-CoV-2, but with lower affinity. Using x-ray crystallography, mutagenesis, and binding experiments, we illustrate that of four amino acid differences in the CR3022 epitope between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV, a single mutation P384A fully determines the affinity difference. CR3022 does not neutralize SARS-CoV-2, but the increased affinity to SARS-CoV-2 P384A mutant now enables neutralization with a similar potency to SARS-CoV. We further investigated CR3022 interaction with the SARS-CoV spike protein by negative-stain EM and cryo-EM. Three CR3022 Fabs bind per trimer with the RBD observed in different up-conformations due to considerable flexibility of the RBD. In one of these conformations, quaternary interactions are made by CR3022 to the N-terminal domain (NTD) of an adjacent subunit. Overall, this study provides insights into antigenic variation and potential for cross-neutralizing epitopes on SARS-like viruses.

Elicitation of potent serum neutralizing antibody responses in rabbits by immunization with an HIV-1 clade C trimeric Env derived from an Indian elite neutralizer

Kumar R, Deshpande S, Sewall LM, Ozorowski G, Cottrell CA, Lee WH, Holden LG, Richey ST, Singh Chandrawacar A, Dhiman K, Ashish, Kumar V, Ahmed S, Hingankar N, Kumar N, Murugavel KG, Srikrishnan AK, Sok D, Ward AB, Bhattacharya J
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008977
bioRxiv Sept. 15, 2020

Evaluating the structure-function relationship of viral envelope (Env) evolution and the development of broadly cross-neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) in natural infection can inform rational immunogen design. In the present study, we examined the magnitude and specificity of autologous neutralizing antibodies induced in rabbits by a novel HIV-1 clade C Env protein (1PGE-THIVC) vis-à-vis those developed in an elite neutralizer from whom the env sequence was obtained that was used to prepare the soluble Env protein. The thermostable 1PGE-THIVC Env displayed a native like pre-fusion closed conformation in solution as determined by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and negative stain electron microscopy (EM). This closed spike conformation of 1PGE-THIVC Env trimers was correlated with weak or undetectable binding of non-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) compared to neutralizing mAbs. Furthermore, 1PGE-THIVC SOSIP induced potent neutralizing antibodies in rabbits to autologous virus variants. The autologous neutralizing antibody specificity induced in rabbits by 1PGE-THIVC was mapped to the C3/V4 region (T362/P401) of viral Env. This observation agreed with electron microscopy polyclonal epitope mapping (EMPEM) of the Env trimer complexed with IgG Fab prepared from the immunized rabbit sera. While the specificity of antibodies elicited in rabbits associated with neutralizing autologous viruses were distinct to those developed in the elite neutralizer, EMPEM analysis demonstrated significant changes to Env conformations when incubated with polyclonal antibody sera from the elite neutralizer, suggesting these antibodies lead to the destabilization of Env trimers. Our study not only shows distinct mechanisms associated with potent neutralization of sequence matched and unmatched autologous viruses by antibodies induced in rabbits and in the elite neutralizer, but also highlights how neutralizing antibodies developed during the course of natural infection can impact viral Env conformations. The interplay between circulating virus variants and broadly cross neutralizing polyclonal antibodies developed in a subset of elite neutralizers is widely believed to provide strategies for rational immunogen design. In the present study, we studied the structural, antigenic and immunogenic properties of a thermostable soluble trimeric protein with near native pre-fusion conformation prepared using the primary sequence of an HIV-1 clade C env isolated from the broadly cross neutralizing plasma of an elite neutralizer. This novel SOSIP Env trimer demonstrated comparable antigenic, structural and immunogenic properties that favoured several ongoing subunit vaccine design efforts. The novel clade C SOSIP induced polyclonal neutralizing antibody response developed in rabbits not only differed in its epitope specificity compared to that elicited in natural infection in presence of pool of viral quasispecies but also showed how they differ in their ability to influence Env structure and conformation. A better understanding of how vaccine-induced polyclonal neutralizing antibody responses compares to responses that developed in natural infection will improve our knowledge in designing better vaccine design strategies.

Multimerization- and glycosylation-dependent receptor binding of SARS-CoV-2 spike proteins

Bouwman KM, Tomris I, Turner HL, van der Woude R, Bosman GP, Rockx B, Herfst S, Haagmans BL, Ward AB, Boons GJ, de Vries RP
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1009282
bioRxiv Sept. 4, 2020

Receptor binding studies using recombinant SARS-CoV proteins have been hampered due to challenges in approaches creating spike protein or domains thereof, that recapitulate receptor binding properties of native viruses. We hypothesized that trimeric RBD proteins would be suitable candidates to study receptor binding properties of SARS-CoV-1 and -2. Here we created monomeric and trimeric fluorescent RBD proteins, derived from adherent HEK293T, as well as in GnTI mutant cells, to analyze the effect of complex vs high mannose glycosylation on receptor binding. The results demonstrate that trimeric fully glycosylated proteins are superior in receptor binding compared to monomeric and immaturely glycosylated variants. Although differences in binding to commonly used cell lines were minimal between the different RBD preparations, substantial differences were observed when respiratory tissues of experimental animals were stained. The RBD trimers demonstrated distinct ACE2 expression profiles in bronchiolar ducts and confirmed the higher binding affinity of SARS-CoV-2 over SARS-CoV-1. Our results show that fully glycosylated trimeric RBD proteins are attractive to analyze receptor binding and explore ACE2 expression profiles in tissues.

Single-component multilayered self-assembling nanoparticles presenting rationally designed glycoprotein trimers as Ebola virus vaccines

He L, Chaudhary A, Lin X, Sou C, Alkutkar T, Kumar S, Ngo T, Kosviner E, Ozorowski G, Stanfield RL, Ward AB, Wilson IA, Zhu J
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-021-22867-w
bioRxiv Aug. 22, 2020

Ebola virus (EBOV) glycoprotein (GP) can be recognized by neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) and is the main target for vaccine design. Here, we first investigate the contribution of the stalk and heptad repeat 1-C (HR1C) regions to GP metastability. Specific stalk and HR1C modifications in a mucin-deleted form (GPΔmuc) increase trimer yield, whereas alterations of HR1C exert a more complex effect on thermostability. Crystal structures are determined to validate two rationally designed GPΔmuc trimers in their unliganded state. We then display a modified GPΔmuc trimer on reengineered nanoparticles that encapsulate a layer of locking domains (LD) and a cluster of helper T-cell epitopes. In mice and rabbits, GP trimers and nanoparticles elicit cross-ebolavirus NAbs, as well as non-NAbs that enhance pseudovirus infection. Repertoire sequencing reveals quantitative profiles of vaccine-induced B-cell responses. This study demonstrates a promising vaccine strategy for filoviruses, such as EBOV, based on GP stabilization and nanoparticle display.

Structural analysis of full-length SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from an advanced vaccine candidate

Bangaru S, Ozorowski G, Turner HL, Antanasijevic A, Huang D, Wang X, Torres JL, Diedrich JK, Tian JH, Portnoff AD, Patel N, Massare MJ, Yates JR, Nemazee D, Paulson JC, Glenn G, Smith G, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1126/science.abe1502
bioRxiv Aug. 6, 2020

Vaccine efforts against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) responsible for the current COVID-19 pandemic are focused on SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein, the primary target for neutralizing antibodies. Here, we performed cryo-EM and site-specific glycan analysis of one of the leading subunit vaccine candidates from Novavax based on a full-length spike protein formulated in polysorbate 80 (PS 80) detergent. Our studies reveal a stable prefusion conformation of the spike immunogen with slight differences in the S1 subunit compared to published spike ectodomain structures. Interestingly, we also observed novel interactions between the spike trimers allowing formation of higher order spike complexes. This study confirms the structural integrity of the full-length spike protein immunogen and provides a basis for interpreting immune responses to this multivalent nanoparticle immunogen.

Cross-neutralization of a SARS-CoV-2 antibody to a functionally conserved site is mediated by avidity

Liu H, Wu NC, Yuan M, Bangaru S, Torres JL, Caniels TG, van Schooten J, Zhu X, Lee CCD, Brouwer PJ, van Gils MJ, Sanders RW, Ward AB, Wilson IA
Now Published: 10.1016/j.immuni.2020.10.023
bioRxiv Aug. 3, 2020

Most antibodies isolated from COVID-19 patients are specific to SARS-CoV-2. COVA1–16 is a relatively rare antibody that also cross-neutralizes SARS-CoV. Here we determined a crystal structure of COVA1–16 Fab with the SARS-CoV-2 RBD, and a negative-stain EM reconstruction with the spike glycoprotein trimer, to elucidate the structural basis of its cross-reactivity. COVA1–16 binds a highly conserved epitope on the SARS-CoV-2 RBD, mainly through a long CDR H3, and competes with ACE2 binding due to steric hindrance rather than epitope overlap. COVA1–16 binds to a flexible up conformation of the RBD on the spike and relies on antibody avidity for neutralization. These findings, along with structural and functional rationale for the epitope conservation, provide a blueprint for development of more universal SARS-like coronavirus vaccines and therapies.

An alternative binding mode of IGHV3-53 antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain

Wu NC, Yuan M, Liu H, Lee CCD, Zhu X, Bangaru S, Torres JL, Caniels TG, Brouwer PJ, van Gils MJ, Sanders RW, Ward AB, Wilson IA
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108274
bioRxiv July 27, 2020

IGHV3-53-encoded neutralizing antibodies are commonly elicited during SARS-CoV-2 infection and target the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of the spike (S) protein. Such IGHV3-53 antibodies generally have a short CDR H3 due to structural constraints in binding the RBD (mode A). However, a small subset of IGHV3-53 antibodies to the RBD contain a longer CDR H3. Crystal structures of two IGHV3-53 neutralizing antibodies here demonstrate that a longer CDR H3 can be accommodated in a different binding mode (mode B). These two classes of IGHV3-53 antibodies both target the ACE2 receptor binding site, but with very different angles of approach and molecular interactions. Overall, these findings emphasize the versatility of IGHV3-53 in this common antibody response to SARS-CoV-2, where conserved IGHV3-53 germline-encoded features can be combined with very different CDR H3 lengths and light chains for SARS-CoV-2 RBD recognition and virus neutralization.

SARS-CoV-2 Infection Depends on Cellular Heparan Sulfate and ACE2

Mandel Clausen T, Sandoval DR, Spliid CB, Pihl J, Painter CD, Thacker BE, Glass CA, Narayanan A, Majowicz SA, Zhang Y, Torres JL, Golden GJ, Porell R, Garretson AF, Laubach L, Feldman J, Yin X, Pu Y, Hauser B, Caradonna TM, Kellman BP, Martino C, Gordts PL, Leibel SL, Chanda SK, Schmidt AG, Godula K, Jose J, Corbett KD, Ward AB, Carlin AF, Esko JD
Now Published: 10.1016/j.cell.2020.09.033
bioRxiv July 14, 2020

We show that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interacts with cell surface heparan sulfate and angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) through its Receptor Binding Domain. Docking studies suggest a putative heparin/heparan sulfate-binding site adjacent to the domain that binds to ACE2. In vitro, binding of ACE2 and heparin to spike protein ectodomains occurs independently and a ternary complex can be generated using heparin as a template. Contrary to studies with purified components, spike protein binding to heparan sulfate and ACE2 on cells occurs codependently. Unfractionated heparin, non-anticoagulant heparin, treatment with heparin lyases, and purified lung heparan sulfate potently block spike protein binding and infection by spike protein-pseudotyped virus and SARS-CoV-2 virus. These findings support a model for SARS-CoV-2 infection in which viral attachment and infection involves formation of a complex between heparan sulfate and ACE2. Manipulation of heparan sulfate or inhibition of viral adhesion by exogenous heparin may represent new therapeutic opportunities.

Enhancing glycan occupancy of soluble HIV-1 envelope trimers to mimic the native viral spike

Derking R, Allen JD, Cottrell CA, Sliepen K, Seabright GE, Lee WH, Rantalainen K, Antanasijevic A, Copps J, Yasmeen A, van der Woude P, de Taeye SW, van den Kerkhof TL, Klasse PK, Ozorowski G, van Gils MJ, Moore JP, Ward AB, Crispin M, Sanders RW
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108933
bioRxiv July 2, 2020

The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer is decorated with N-linked glycans, which are attached to asparagine residues in the amino acid sequon NxT/S by oligosaccharyltransferases (OST). Artificial glycan “holes” exist when a PNGS is under-occupied on recombinant Env-based vaccines, but not on their viral counterpart. Native-like SOSIP trimers, including clinical candidates, have these artificial holes in the glycan shield that induce strain-specific neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) or non-NAbs. To increase PNGS occupancy, eliminate artificial glycan holes, and mimic the glycosylation of native BG505 Env, we replaced all 12 NxS sequons on the BG505 SOSIP trimer with NxT, thereby increasing the affinity of the sequons for OST. All PNGS, except N133 and N160, were nearly fully occupied on the modified trimer. Occupancy of the N133 site could be increased by changing N133 to NxS, while occupancy of the N160 site could be restored by reverting the nearby N156 sequon to NxS. Hence, OST affinity can influence glycan occupancy when two PNGS are in close proximity. Increasing glycan occupancy should reduce off-target immune responses to artificial glycan holes on vaccine antigens.

Polyclonal epitope cartography reveals the temporal dynamics and diversity of human antibody responses to H5N1 vaccination

Han J, Schmitz AJ, Richey ST, Dai YN, Turner HL, Mohammed BM, Fremont DH, Ellebedy AH, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108682
bioRxiv June 16, 2020

Novel influenza A virus (IAV) strains elicit recall immune responses to conserved epitopes, making them favorable antigenic choices for universal influenza virus vaccines. Evaluating these immunogens requires a thorough understanding of the antigenic sites targeted by the polyclonal antibody (pAb) response, which single particle electron microscopy (EM) can sensitively detect. Here, we employed EM polyclonal epitope mapping (EMPEM) to extensively characterize the pAb response to hemagglutinin (HA) after H5N1 immunization in humans. Cross-reactive pAbs originating from memory B cells immediately bound the stem of HA and persisted for over a year post vaccination. In contrast, de novo pAb responses to multiple sites on the head of HA, which targeted previously determined key neutralizing sites on H5 HA, expanded after the second immunization and waned quickly. Thus, EMPEM provides a robust tool for comprehensively tracking the specificity and durability of immune responses elicited by novel universal influenza vaccine candidates.

A strain-specific inhibitor of receptor-bound HIV-1 targets a pocket near the fusion peptide and offers a template for drug design

Ozorowski G, Torres JL, Santos-Martins D, Forli S, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108428
bioRxiv June 12, 2020

Disruption of viral fusion represents a viable, albeit under-explored, target for HIV therapeutics. While studying the receptor-bound envelope glycoprotein conformation by cryo-EM, we identified a pocket near the base of the trimer containing a bound detergent molecule and performed in silico drug screening using a library of drug-like and commercially available molecules. After down-selection, we solved cryo-EM structures that validated binding of two small molecule hits in very similar manners to the predicted binding poses, including interactions with aromatic residues within the fusion peptide. One of the molecules demonstrated low micromolar inhibition of the autologous virus by utilizing a very rare phenylalanine in the fusion peptide and stabilizing the surrounding region. This work demonstrates that small molecules can target the fusion process, providing a new target for anti-HIV therapeutics, and highlights the need to explore how fusion peptide sequence variations affect receptor-mediated conformational states across diverse HIV strains.

Potent neutralizing antibodies from COVID-19 patients define multiple targets of vulnerability

Brouwer PJM, Caniels TG, van der Straten K, Snitselaar JL, Aldon Y, Bangaru S, Torres JL, A Okba NM, Claireaux M, Kerster G, H Bentlage AE, van Haaren MM, Guerra D, Burger JA, Schermer EE, Verheul KD, van der Velde N, van der Kooi A, van Schooten J, van Breemen MJ, L Bijl TP, Sliepen K, Aartse A, Derking R, Bontjer I, Kootstra NA, Joost Wiersinga W, Vidarsson G, Haagmans BL, Ward AB, de Bree GJ, Sanders RW, van Gils MJ
Now Published: 10.1126/science.abc5902
bioRxiv May 12, 2020

The rapid spread of SARS-CoV-2 has a significant impact on global health, travel and economy. Therefore, preventative and therapeutic measures are urgently needed. Here, we isolated neutralizing antibodies from convalescent COVID-19 patients using a SARS-CoV-2 stabilized prefusion spike protein. Several of these antibodies were able to potently inhibit live SARS-CoV-2 infection at concentrations as low as 0.007 µg/mL, making them the most potent human SARS-CoV-2 antibodies described to date. Mapping studies revealed that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein contained multiple distinct antigenic sites, including several receptor-binding domain (RBD) epitopes as well as previously undefined non-RBD epitopes. In addition to providing guidance for vaccine design, these mAbs are promising candidates for treatment and prevention of COVID-19.Competing Interest StatementAmsterdam UMC has filed a patent application on COVID-19 monoclonal antibodies.