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Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Slow delivery immunization enhances HIV neutralizing antibody and germinal center responses via modulation of immunodominance

Cirelli KM, Carnathan DG, Nogal B, Rodriguez OL, Martin JT, Upadhyay AA, Enemuo CA, Gebru EH, Choe Y, Viviano F, Nakao C, Pauthner M, Reiss S, Cottrell CA, Bastidas R, Gibson W, Wolabaugh AN, Melo MB, Cosette B, Kuman V, Patel N, Tokatlian T, Menis S, Kulp DW, Burton DR, Murrell B, Bosinger SE, Schief WR, Ward AB, Watson CT, Silvestri G, Irvine DJ, Crotty S
Now Published: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.04.012
bioRxiv Oct. 1, 2018

The observation that humans can produce broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) against HIV-1 has generated enthusiasm about the potential for a bnAb vaccine against HIV-1. Conventional immunization strategies will likely be insufficient for the development of a bnAb HIV vaccine and vaccines to other difficult pathogens, due to the significant immunological hurdles posed, including B cell immunodominance and germinal center (GC) quantity and quality. Using longitudinal lymph node fine needle aspirates, we found that two independent methods of slow delivery immunization of rhesus macaques (RM) resulted in larger GCs, more robust and sustained GC Tfh cell responses, and GC B cells with improved Env-binding, which correlated with the development of ~20 to 30-fold higher titers of tier 2 HIV-1 nAbs. Using a new RM genomic immunoglobulin loci reference sequence, we identified differential IgV gene usage between slow delivery immunized and conventional bolus immunized animals. The most immunodominant IgV gene used by conventionally immunized animals was associated with many GC B cell lineages. Ab mapping of those GC B cell specificities demonstrated targeting of an immunodominant non-neutralizing trimer base epitope, while that response was muted in slow delivery immunized animals. Thus, alternative immunization strategies appear to enhance nAb development by altering GCs and modulating immunodominance of non-neutralizing epitopes.

Cryo-EM structure of the mechanically activated ion channel OSCA1.2

Jojoa-Cruz S, Saotome K, Murthy SE, Chun Tsui CA, P. Sansom MS, Patapoutian A, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.7554/elife.41845
bioRxiv Sept. 4, 2018

Mechanically activated ion channels underlie touch, hearing, shear-stress sensing, and response to turgor pressure. OSCA/TMEM63s are a newly-identified family of eukaryotic mechanically activated ion channels opened by membrane tension. The structural underpinnings of OSCA/TMEM63 function are not explored. Here, we elucidate high resolution cryo-electron microscopy structures of OSCA1.2, revealing a dimeric architecture containing eleven transmembrane helices per subunit and surprising topological similarities to TMEM16 proteins. We locate the ion permeation pathway within each subunit by demonstrating that a conserved acidic residue is a determinant of channel conductance. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal membrane interactions, suggesting the role of lipids in OSCA1.2 gating. These results lay a foundation to decipher how the structural organization of OSCA/TMEM63 is suited for their roles as MA ion channels.

OSCA/TMEM63 are an Evolutionarily Conserved Family of Mechanically Activated Ion Channels

Murthy SE, Dubin AE, Whitwam T, Jojoa-Cruz S, Cahalan SM, Ali Reza Mosavi S, Ward AB, Patapoutian A
Now Published: 10.7554/elife.41844
bioRxiv Sept. 4, 2018

Mechanotransduction, the conversion of mechanical cues into biochemical signals, is crucial for many biological processes in plants and animals1,2. In mammals, some mechanosensory processes such as touch sensation and vascular development are mediated by the PIEZO family of mechanically activated (MA) ion channels3-5. In plants, the impact of gravity or soil properties on root development, wind on stem growth, and turgor pressure on plant-cell size and shape are proposed to involve activation of MA ion channels6,7. Homologues of the bacterial MA channel MscS (MSLs) exist in plants, and MSL8 is shown to be involved in pollen hydration8; however, the identity of the MA channels required for most mechanotransduction processes in plants have remained elusive9. Here, we identify various members of the 15 OSCA proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana (previously reported as hyperosmolarity sensors10,11) as MA ion channels. Purification and reconstitution of OSCA1.2 in liposomes induced stretch-activated currents, suggesting that OSCAs are inherently mechanosensitive, pore-forming ion channels. This conclusion is confirmed by a high-resolution electron microscopy structure of OSCA1.2 described in a companion paper12. Beyond plants, we present evidence that fruit fly, mouse, and human TMEM63 family of proteins, homologues of OSCAs, induce MA currents when expressed in naïve cells. Our results suggest that OSCA/TMEM63 proteins are the largest family of MA ion channels identified, and are conserved across eukaryotes. We anticipate that further characterization of OSCA isoforms which have diverse biophysical properties, will help gain substantial insight on the molecular mechanism of MA ion channel gating and permeation. OSCA1.1 mutant plants have impaired leaf and root growth under stress, potentially linking this ion channel to a mechanosensory role11. We expect future studies to uncover novel roles of OSCA/TMEM63 channels in mechanosensory processes across plants and animals.

HIV-1 vaccine design through minimizing envelope metastability

He L, Kumar S, Allen JD, Huang D, Lin X, Mann CJ, Saye-Francisco KL, Copps J, Sarkar A, Blizard GS, Ozorowski G, Sok D, Crispin M, Ward AB, Nemazee D, Burton DR, Wilson IA, Zhu J
Now Published: 10.1126/sciadv.aau6769
bioRxiv July 3, 2018

Overcoming envelope metastability is crucial to trimer-based HIV-1 vaccine design. Here, we present a coherent vaccine strategy by minimizing metastability. For ten strains across five clades, we demonstrate that gp41 ectodomain (gp41ECTO) is the main source of envelope metastability by replacing wild-type gp41ECTO with BG505 gp41ECTO of the uncleaved prefusion-optimized (UFO) design. These gp41ECTO-swapped trimers can be produced in CHO cells with high yield and high purity. Crystal structure of a gp41ECTO-swapped trimer elucidates how a neutralization-resistant tier 3 virus evades antibody recognition of the V2 apex. UFO trimers of transmitted/founder (T/F) viruses and UFO trimers containing a consensus-based ancestral gp41ECTO suggest an evolutionary root of the metastability. Gp41ECTO-stabilized trimers can be readily displayed on 24- and 60-meric nanoparticles, with incorporation of additional T cell help illustrated for a hyperstable 60-mer. In mice and rabbits, gp140 nanoparticles induced more effective tier 2 neutralizing antibody response than trimers with statistical significance. gp41 is the main source of HIV-1 envelope metastability BG505 gp41 of the UFO design stabilizes gp140 trimers of diverse subtypes gp41 stabilization facilitates gp140 nanoparticle assembly and improves production Nanoparticles elicit tier 2 neutralizing antibodies more effectively than trimers

Cryo-EM structure of the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum with a vaccine-elicited antibody reveals maturation of inter-antibody contacts

Oyen D, Torres JL, Cottrell CA, King CR, Wilson IA, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1126/sciadv.aau8529
bioRxiv May 27, 2018

The circumsporozoite protein (CSP) on the surface of Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites is important for parasite development, motility, and host hepatocyte invasion. However, intrinsic disorder of the NANP repeat sequence in the central region of CSP has hindered its structural and functional characterization. Here, the cryo-EM structure at ∼3.4 Å resolution of a recombinant shortened CSP construct (rsCSP) with the variable domains (Fabs) of a highly protective monoclonal antibody reveals an extended spiral conformation of the central NANP repeat region surrounded by antibodies. This unusual structure appears to be stabilized and/or induced by interaction with an antibody where contacts between adjacent Fabs are somatically mutated and enhance the interaction. Such maturation in non-antigen contact residues may be an effective mechanism for antibodies to target tandem repeat sequences and provide novel insights into malaria vaccine design. An unusual spiral conformation is formed for the NANP repeat region in Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (CSP) in complex with antibodies generated by the RTS,S vaccine and is stabilized by affinity-matured inter-Fab interactions.

Structure of the human volume regulated anion channel

Kefauver JM, Saotome KS, Dubin AE, Pallesen JP, Cottrell CC, Cahalan SC, Qiu ZQ, Hong GH, Crowley CC, Whitwam TW, Lee WL, Ward AB, Patapoutian AP
Now Published: 10.7554/eLife.38461
bioRxiv May 16, 2018

SWELL1 (LRRC8A) is the only essential subunit of the Volume Regulated Anion Channel (VRAC), which regulates cellular volume homeostasis and is activated by hypotonic solutions. SWELL1, together with four other LRRC8 family members, forms a vastly heterogeneous cohort of VRAC channels with different properties; however, SWELL1 alone is also functional. Here, we report a high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy structure of full-length human homo-hexameric SWELL1. The structure reveals a trimer of dimers assembly with symmetry mismatch between the pore-forming domain and the cytosolic leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains. Importantly, mutational analysis demonstrates that a charged residue at the narrowest constriction of the homomeric channel is an important pore determinant of heteromeric VRAC. This structure provides a scaffold for further dissecting the heterogeneity and mechanism of activation of VRAC.

Receptor binding and proteolysis do not induce large conformational changes in the SARS-CoV spike

Kirchdoerfer RN, Wang N, Pallesen J, Wrapp D, Turner HL, Cottrell CA, Corbett KS, Graham BS, McLellan JS, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1038/s41598-018-34171-7
bioRxiv March 30, 2018

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) emerged in 2002 as a highly transmissible pathogenic human betacoronavirus. The viral spike glycoprotein (S) utilizes angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) as a host protein receptor and mediates fusion of the viral and host membranes, making S essential to viral entry into host cells and host species tropism. As SARS-CoV enters host cells, the viral S undergoes two proteolytic cleavages at S1/S2 and S2’ sites necessary for efficient membrane fusion. Here, we present a cryo-EM analysis of the trimeric SARS-CoV S interactions with ACE2 and of the trypsin-cleaved S. Surprisingly, neither binding to ACE2 nor cleavage by trypsin at the S1/S2 cleavage site impart large conformational changes within S or expose the secondary cleavage site, S2’. These observations suggest that S2’ cleavage does not occur in the S prefusion conformation and that additional triggers may be required.

EMHP: An accurate automated hole masking algorithm for single-particle cryo-EM image processing

Berndsen Z, Bowman C, Jang H, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx500
bioRxiv July 28, 2017

The Electron Microscopy Hole Punch (EMHP) is a streamlined suite of tools for quick assessment, sorting and hole masking of electron micrographs. With recent advances in single-particle electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) data processing allowing for the rapid determination of protein structures using a smaller computational footprint, we saw the need for a fast and simple tool for data pre-processing that could run independent of existing high-performance computing (HPC) infrastructures. EMHP provides a data preprocessing platform in a small package that requires minimal python dependencies to function.