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Title & Authors Journal Publication Date

Networks of HIV-1 envelope glycans maintain antibody epitopes in the face of glycan additions and deletions

Seabright GE, Cottrell CA, van Gils MJ, D’addabbo A, Harvey DJ, Behrens AJ, Allen JD, Watanabe Y, Maker A, Vasiljevic S, de Val N, Sanders RW, Ward AB, Crispin M
Now Published: 10.1016/j.str.2020.04.022
bioRxiv Feb. 23, 2020

Numerous broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) have been identified that target the glycans of the HIV-1 envelope spike. Neutralization breadth is notable given that glycan processing can be substantially influenced by the presence or absence of neighboring glycans. Here, using a stabilized recombinant envelope trimer, we investigate the degree to which mutations in the glycan network surrounding an epitope impact the fine glycan processing of antibody targets. Using cryo-electron microscopy and site-specific glycan analysis, we reveal the hierarchy of importance of glycans in the formation of the 2G12 bnAb epitope, and show that the epitope is only subtly impacted by variations in the glycan network. In contrast, we show that the PG9 and PG16 glycan-based epitopes at the trimer apex are dependent on the presence of the highly conserved surrounding glycans. Glycan networks underpin the conservation of bnAb epitopes and are an important parameter in immunogen design.

Vulnerabilities in coronavirus glycan shields despite extensive glycosylation

Watanabe Y, Berndsen ZT, Raghwani J, Seabright GE, Allen JD, McLellan JS, Wilson IA, Bowden TA, Ward AB, Crispin M
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-020-16567-0
bioRxiv Feb. 21, 2020

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) coronaviruses (CoVs) are zoonotic pathogens with high fatality rates and pandemic potential. Vaccine development has focussed on the principal target of the neutralizing humoral immune response, the spike (S) glycoprotein, which mediates receptor recognition and membrane fusion. Coronavirus S proteins are extensively glycosylated viral fusion proteins, encoding around 69-87 N-linked glycosylation sites per trimeric spike. Using a multifaceted structural approach, we reveal a specific area of high glycan density on MERS S that results in the formation of under-processed oligomannose-type glycan clusters, which was absent on SARS and HKU1 CoVs. We provide a comparison of the global glycan density of coronavirus spikes with other viral proteins including HIV-1 envelope, Lassa virus glycoprotein complex, and influenza hemagglutinin, where glycosylation plays a known role in shielding immunogenic epitopes. Consistent with the ability of the antibody-mediated immune response to effectively target and neutralize coronaviruses, we demonstrate that the glycans of coronavirus spikes are not able to form an efficacious high-density global shield to thwart the humoral immune response. Overall, our data reveal how differential organisation of viral glycosylation across class I viral fusion proteins influence not only individual glycan compositions but also the immunological pressure across the viral protein surface.

Targeting HIV Env immunogens to B cell follicles in non-human primates through immune complex or protein nanoparticle formulations

Martin JT, Cottrell CA, Antanasijevic A, Carnathan DG, Cossette BJ, Enemuo CA, Gebru EH, Choe Y, Viviano F, Tokatlian T, Cirelli KM, Ueda G, Copps J, Schiffner T, Menis S, Schief WR, Crotty S, King NP, Baker D, Silvestri G, Ward AB, Irvine DJ
Now Published: 10.1038/s41541-020-00223-1
bioRxiv Feb. 20, 2020

Following immunization, high affinity antibody responses develop within germinal centers (GCs), specialized sites within follicles of the lymph node (LN) where B cells proliferate and undergo somatic hypermutation. Antigen availability within GCs is important, as B cells must acquire and present antigen to follicular helper T cells to drive this process. However, recombinant protein immunogens such as soluble HIV envelope (Env) trimers do not efficiently accumulate in follicles following traditional immunization. Here we demonstrate two strategies to concentrate HIV Env immunogens in follicles, via the formation of immune complexes (ICs) or by employing self-assembling protein nanoparticles for multivalent display of Env antigens. Using rhesus macaques, we show that within a few days following immunization, free trimers were present in a diffuse pattern in draining LNs, while trimer ICs and Env nanoparticles accumulated in B cell follicles. Whole LN imaging strikingly revealed that ICs and trimer nanoparticles concentrated in as many as 500 follicles in a single lymph node within 2 days after immunization. Imaging of LNs collected 7 days post-immunization showed that Env nanoparticles persisted on follicular dendritic cells in the light zone of nascent germinal centers. These findings suggest that the form of antigen administered in vaccination can dramatically impact localization in lymphoid tissues and provides a new rationale for the enhanced immune responses observed following immunization with immune complexes or nanoparticles.

Structure and immune recognition of the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus spike protein

Kirchdoerfer RN, Bhandari M, Martini O, Sewall LM, Bangaru S, Yoon KJ, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1016/j.str.2020.12.003
bioRxiv Feb. 19, 2020

Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus is an alphacoronavirus responsible for significant morbidity and mortality in pigs. A key determinant of viral tropism and entry, the PEDV spike protein is a key target for the host antibody response and a good candidate for a protein-based vaccine immunogen. We used electron microscopy to evaluate the PEDV spike structure, as well as pig polyclonal antibody responses to viral infection. The structure of the PEDV spike reveals a configuration similar to that of HuCoV-NL63. Several PEDV protein-protein interfaces are mediated by non-protein components including a glycan at Asn264 and two bound palmitoleic acid molecules. The polyclonal antibody response to PEDV infection shows a dominance of epitopes in the S1 region. This structural and immune characterization provides new insights into coronavirus spike stability determinants and explores the immune landscape of viral spike proteins.

Mapping the immunogenic landscape of near-native HIV-1 envelope trimers in non-human primates

Cottrell CA, van Schooten J, Bowman CA, Yuan M, Oyen D, Shin M, Morpurgo R, van der Woude P, van Breemen M, Torres JL, Patel R, Gross J, Sewall LM, Copps J, Ozorowski G, Nogal B, Sok D, Rakasz EG, Labranche C, Vigdorovich V, Christley S, Carnathan DG, Sather DN, Montefiori D, Silvestri G, Burton DR, Moore JP, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, Ward AB, van Gils MJ
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008753
bioRxiv Feb. 7, 2020

The induction of broad and potent immunity by vaccines is the key focus of research efforts aimed at protecting against HIV-1 infection. Soluble native-like HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins have shown promise as vaccine candidates as they can induce potent autologous neutralizing responses in rabbits and non-human primates. In this study, monoclonal antibodies were isolated and characterized from rhesus macaques immunized with the BG505 SOSIP.664 trimer to better understand vaccine-induced antibody responses. Our studies reveal a diverse landscape of antibodies recognizing immunodominant strain-specific epitopes and non-neutralizing neo-epitopes. Additionally, we isolated a subset of mAbs against an epitope cluster at the gp120-gp41 interface that recognize the highly conserved fusion peptide and the glycan at position 88 and have characteristics akin to several human-derived broadly neutralizing antibodies.

Structural and functional evaluation of de novo-designed, two-component nanoparticle carriers for HIV Env trimer immunogens

Antanasijevic A, Ueda G, JM Brouwer P, Copps J, Huang D, Allen JD, Cottrell CA, Yasmeen A, Sewall LM, Bontjer I, Ketas TJ, Turner HL, Berndsen ZT, Klasse PJ, Crispin M, Nemazee D, Moore JP, Sanders RW, King NP, Baker D, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1008665
bioRxiv Feb. 2, 2020

Two-component, self-assembling nanoparticles represent a versatile platform for multivalent presentation of viral antigens. Nanoparticles of different sizes and geometries can be designed and combined with appropriate antigens to fit the requirements of different immunization strategies. Here, we describe detailed antigenic, structural, and functional characterization of computationally designed tetrahedral, octahedral, and icosahedral nanoparticle immunogens displaying trimeric HIV envelope glycoprotein (Env) ectodomains. Env trimers, based on subtype A (BG505) or consensus group M (ConM) sequences and engineered with SOSIP stabilizing mutations, were fused to the underlying trimeric building block of each nanoparticle. Initial screening yielded one icosahedral and two tetrahedral nanoparticle candidates, capable of presenting twenty or four copies of the Env trimer. A number of analyses, including detailed structural characterization by cryo-EM, demonstrated that the nanoparticle immunogens possessed the intended structural and antigenic properties. Comparing the humoral responses elicited by ConM-SOSIP trimers presented on a two-component tetrahedral nanoparticle to the corresponding soluble protein revealed that multivalent presentation increased the proportion of the overall antibody response directed against autologous neutralizing Ab epitopes present on the ConM-SOSIP trimers. Protein constructs based on soluble ectodomains of HIV glycoprotein (Env) trimers are the basis of many current HIV vaccine platforms. Multivalent antigen display is one strategy applied to improve the immunogenicity of different subunit vaccine candidates. Here, we describe and comprehensively evaluate a library of de novo designed, protein nanoparticles of different geometries for their ability to present trimeric Env antigens. We found three nanoparticle candidates that can stably incorporate model Env trimer on their surface while maintaining its structure and antigenicity. Immunogenicity of the designed nanoparticles is assessed in vitro and in vivo. In addition to introducing a novel set of reagents for multivalent display of Env trimers, this work provides both guiding principles and a detailed experimental roadmap for the generation, characterization, and optimization of Env-presenting, self-assembling nanoparticle immunogens.

Tailored Design of Protein Nanoparticle Scaffolds for Multivalent Presentation of Viral Glycoprotein Antigens

Ueda G, Antanasijevic A, Fallas JA, Sheffler W, Copps J, Ellis D, Hutchinson G, Moyer A, Yasmeen A, Tsybovsky Y, Park YJ, Bick MJ, Sankaran B, Gillespie RA, M. Brouwer PJ, Zwart PH, Veesler D, Kanekiyo M, Graham BS, Sanders R, Moore JP, Klasse PJ, Ward AB, King N, Baker D
Now Published: 10.7554/eLife.57659
bioRxiv Jan. 30, 2020

The adaptive immune system is highly sensitive to arrayed antigens, and multivalent display of viral glycoproteins on symmetric scaffolds has been found to substantially increase the elicitation of antigen-specific antibodies. Motivated by the considerable promise of this strategy for next-generation anti-viral vaccines, we set out to design new self-assembling protein nanoparticles with geometries specifically tailored to scaffold ectodomains of different viral glycoproteins. We first designed and characterized homo-trimers from designed repeat proteins with N-terminal helices positioned to match the C termini of several viral glycoprotein trimers. Oligomers found to experimentally adopt the designed configuration were then used to generate nanoparticles with tetrahedral, octahedral, or icosahedral symmetry. Examples of all three target symmetries were experimentally validated by cryo-electron microscopy and several were assessed for their ability to display viral glycoproteins via genetic fusion. Electron microscopy and antibody binding experiments demonstrated that the designed nanoparticles display conformationally intact native-like HIV-1 Env, influenza hemagglutinin, and prefusion RSV F trimers in the predicted geometries. This work demonstrates that novel nanoparticle immunogens can be designed from the bottom up with atomic-level accuracy and provides a general strategy for precisely controlling epitope presentation and accessibility.

HIV-1 Envelope and MPER antibody structures in lipid assemblies

Rantalainen K, Berndsen ZT, Antanasijevic A, Schiffner T, Zhang X, Lee WH, Torres JL, Zhang L, Irimia A, Copps J, Zhou K, Do Kwon Y, Law WH, Schramm CA, Verardi R, Krebs S, Kwong PD, Doria-Rose NA, Wilson IA, Zwick MB, Yates JR, Schief WR, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107583
bioRxiv Nov. 15, 2019

Structural and functional studies of HIV Env as a transmembrane protein have long been complicated by challenges associated with inherent flexibility of the molecule and the membrane-embedded hydrophobic regions. Thus, most structural studies have utilized soluble forms where the regions C-terminal to the ectodomain are deleted. Here, we present approaches for incorporating full-length, wild-type HIV-1 Env, as well as C-terminally truncated and stabilized versions, into lipid assemblies, providing a modular platform for Env structural studies by single particle electron microscopy. We reconstituted a full-length Env clone into a nanodisc with MSP1D1 scaffold, complexed it with an MPER targeting antibody 10E8, and structurally defined the full quaternary epitope of 10E8 consisting of lipid, MPER and ectodomain contacts. By aligning this and other Env-MPER antibody complex reconstructions with the lipid bilayer, we observe evidence of Env tilting as part of the neutralization mechanism for MPER-targeting antibodies. We also adapted the platform toward vaccine design purposes by introducing stabilizing mutations that allow purification of unliganded Env with peptidisc scaffold.

Visualization of the HIV-1 Env Glycan Shield Across Scales

Berndsen ZT, Chakraborty S, Wang X, Cottrell CA, Torres JL, Diedrich JK, López CA, Yates JR, van Gils MJ, Paulson JC, Gnanakaran S, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1073/pnas.2000260117
bioRxiv Nov. 12, 2019

The dense array of N-linked glycans on the HIV-1 Envelope Glycoprotein (Env), known as the “glycan shield”, is a key determinant of immunogenicity, yet intrinsic heterogeneity confounds typical structure-function analysis. Here we present an integrated approach of single-particle electron cryomicroscopy (cryo-EM), computational modeling, and site-specific mass-spectrometry (MS) to probe glycan shield structure and behavior at multiple levels. We found that dynamics lead to an extensive network of inter-glycan interactions that drive the formation of higher-order structure within the glycan shield. This structure defines diffuse boundaries between buried and exposed protein surface and creates a mapping of potentially immunogenic sites on Env. Analysis of Env expressed in different cell lines revealed how cryo-EM can detect subtle changes in glycan occupancy, composition, and dynamics that impact glycan shield structure and epitope accessibility. Importantly, this identified unforeseen changes in the glycan shield of Env obtained from expression in the same CHO cell line used for GMP production. Finally, by capturing the enzymatic deglycosylation of Env in a time-resolved manner we found that highly connected glycan clusters are resistant to digestion and help stabilize the pre-fusion trimer, suggesting the glycan shield may function beyond immune evasion. The HIV-1 Env “glycan shield” masks the surface of the protein from immune recognition, yet intrinsic heterogeneity defies a typical structure-function description. Using a complementary approach of cryo-EM, computational modeling, and mass-spectrometry we show how heterogeneity and dynamics affect glycan shield structure across scales. Our combined approach facilitated the development of new cryo-EM data analysis methods and allowed for validation of models against experiment. Comparison of Env across a range of glycosylation states revealed how subtle differences in composition impact glycan shield structure and affect the accessibility of epitopes on the surface. Finally, time-resolved cryo-EM experiments uncovered how highly connected glycan clusters help stabilize the pre-fusion trimer, suggesting the glycan shield may function beyond immune evasion.

Quantification of the Resilience and Vulnerability of HIV-1 Native Glycan Shield at Atomistic Detail

Chakraborty S, Berndsen ZT, Hengartner NW, Korber BT, Ward AB, Gnanakaran SG
Now Published: 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101836
bioRxiv Nov. 12, 2019

Dense surface glycosylation on the HIV-1 envelope (Env) protein acts as a shield from the adaptive immune system. However, the molecular complexity and flexibility of glycans make experimental studies a challenge. Here we have integrated high-throughput atomistic modeling of fully glycosylated HIV-1 Env with graph theory to capture immunologically important features of the shield topology. This is the first complete all-atom model of HIV-1 Env SOSIP glycan shield that includes both oligomannose and complex glycans, providing results which are physiologically more relevant than the previous models with uniform glycosylation. This integrated approach including quantitative comparison with cryo-electron microscopy data provides hitherto unexplored details of the native shield architecture and its difference from the high-mannose glycoform. We have also derived a measure to quantify the shielding effect over the antigenic protein surface that defines regions of relative vulnerability and resilience of the shield and can be harnessed for rational immunogen design.

Mapping polyclonal antibody responses in non-human primates vaccinated with HIV Env trimer subunit vaccines

Nogal B, Bianchi M, Cottrell CA, Kirchdoerfer RN, Sewall LM, Turner HL, Zhao F, Sok D, Burton DR, Hangartner L, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.02.061
bioRxiv Nov. 7, 2019

Rational immunogen design aims to focus antibody responses to vulnerable sites on the primary antigens. Given the size of these antigens there is however potential for eliciting unwanted, off-target responses. Here, we used our electron microscopy polyclonal epitope mapping approach to describe the antibody specificities elicited by immunization of non-human primates with soluble HIV envelope trimers and subsequent repeated viral challenge. An increased diversity of epitopes recognized, and the approach angle by which these antibodies bound, constituted a hallmark of the humoral response in most protected animals. We also show that fusion peptide-specific antibodies are responsible for some neutralization breadth. Moreover, cryoEM analysis of a fully-protected animal revealed a high degree of clonality within a subset of putatively neutralizing antibodies, enabling a detailed molecular description of the antibody paratope. Our results provide important insights into the immune response against a vaccine candidate that entered into clinical trials earlier this year.

HIV Envelope Trimer-Elicited Autologous Neutralizing Antibodies Bind a Region Overlapping the N332 Glycan Supersite

Nogal B, McCoy LE, van Gils MJ, Cottrell CA, Voss JE, Andrabi R, Pauthner M, Liang CH, Messmer T, Nedellec R, Shin M, Turner HL, Ozorowski G, Sanders RW, Burton DR, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1126/sciadv.aba0512
bioRxiv Nov. 5, 2019

To date, immunization studies of rabbits with the BG505 SOSIP.664 HIV envelope glycoprotein trimers have revealed the 241/289 glycan hole as the dominant neutralizing antibody epitope. Here, we isolated monoclonal antibodies from a rabbit that did not exhibit glycan hole-dependent autologous serum neutralization. The antibodies did not compete with a previously isolated glycan hole-specific antibody but did compete with N332 glycan supersite broadly neutralizing antibodies. A high resolution cryoEM structure of one of the antibodies in complex with the BG505 SOSIP.664 trimer demonstrated that, while the epitope recognized overlapped with the N332 glycan supersite by contacting the GDIR motif at the base of V3, the primary contacts were located in the variable V1 loop. These data suggest that strain-specific responses to V1 may interfere with broadly neutralizing responses to the N332 glycan supersite and vaccine immunogens may require engineering to minimize these off-target responses or steer them toward a more desirable pathway.

Neutralizing antibody responses to an HIV envelope glycan hole are not easily broadened

Yang YR, McCoy LE, van Gils MJ, Andrabi R, Turner HL, Yuan M, Cottrell CA, Ozorowski G, Voss J, Pauthner M, Polveroni TM, Messmer T, Wilson IA, Sanders RW, Burton DR, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1128/JVI.01861-19
bioRxiv Nov. 1, 2019

Extensive studies with subtype A BG505-derived HIV envelope glycoprotein (Env) SOSIP immunogens have revealed that the dominant autologous neutralizing site in rabbits is located in an exposed region of the heavily glycosylated trimer that lacks potential N-linked glycosylation sites at positions 230, 241, and 289. The Env derived from B41, a subtype B virus, shares a glycan hole centered on positions 230 and 289. BG505 and B41 SOSIP immunogens were combined to test whether immunization in rabbits could induce broader Tier 2 neutralizing responses to the common glycan hole shared between BG505 and B41. Here we isolated autologous neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) that were induced by immunization with B41 SOSIP alone, as well as B41 and BG505 co-immunization, and describe their structure in complex with the B41 SOSIP trimer. Our data suggest that distinct autologous nAb lineages are induced by BG505 and B41 immunogens, even when both immunogens were administered together. In contrast to previously described BG505 glycan hole antibodies, the B41-specific nAbs accommodate the highly conserved N241 glycan (>97% conserved), which is present in B41. Single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) studies confirmed that B41 and BG505-specific nAbs bind to overlapping glycan hole epitopes. In an attempt to broaden the reactivity of a B41-specific nAb, mutations in the BG505 glycan hole epitope guided by our high-resolution data only recovered partial binding. Overall, designing prime-boost immunogens to increase the breath of nAb responses directed at glycan holes epitopes remains challenging even when the typically immunodominant glycan holes despite overlap with different Envs. A glycan hole is one of the most dominant autologous neutralizing epitopes targeted on BG505 and B41 SOSIP trimer immunized rabbits. Our high-resolution cryoEM studies of B41 in complex with a B41-specific antibody complex elucidate the molecular basis of this strain-specific glycan hole response. We conclude that eliciting cross-reactive responses to this region would likely require hybrid immunogens that bridge between BG505 and B41.

Structure of the SARS-CoV NSP12 polymerase bound to NSP7 and NSP8 co-factors

Kirchdoerfer RN, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1038/s41467-019-10280-3
bioRxiv Feb. 15, 2019

Recent history is punctuated by the emergence of highly pathogenic coronaviruses such as SARS- and MERS-CoV into human circulation. Upon infecting host cells, coronaviruses assemble a multi-subunit RNA-synthesis complex of viral non-structural proteins (NSP) responsible for the replication and transcription of the viral genome. Here, we present the 3.1 Å resolution structure of the SARS-CoV NSP12 polymerase bound to its essential co-factors, NSP7 and NSP8, using single particle cryo-electron microscopy. NSP12 possesses an architecture common to all viral polymerases as well as a large N-terminal extension containing a kinase-like fold and is unexpectedly bound by two NSP8 co-factors. This structure illuminates the assembly of the coronavirus core RNA-synthesis machinery, provides key insights into NSP12 polymerase catalysis and fidelity and acts as a template for the design of novel antiviral therapeutics.

Structure of the Ebola virus nucleoprotein – RNA complex

Kirchdoerfer RN, Saphire EO, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1107/S2053230X19004424
bioRxiv Feb. 13, 2019

Ebola virus is an emerging virus capable of causing a deadly disease in humans. Replication, transcription and packaging of the viral genome is carried out by the viral nucleocapsid. The nucleocapsid is a complex of the viral nucleoprotein, RNA and several other viral proteins. The nucleoprotein NP forms large, RNA-bound, helical filaments and acts as a scaffold for additional viral proteins. The 3.1 Å single-particle cryo-electron microscopy structure of the nucleoprotein-RNA helical filament presented here resembles previous structures determined at lower resolution while providing improved molecular details of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions. The higher resolution of the structure presented here will facilitate the design and characterization of novel and specific Ebola virus therapeutics targeting the nucleocapsid. The 3.1 Å single-particle cryo-electron microscopy structure of the RNA-bound, Ebola virus nucleoprotein helical filament provides molecular details of protein-protein and protein-RNA interactions.

Structures of the Otopetrin Proton Channels Otop1 and Otop3

Saotome K, Teng B, Chun Tsui CA, Lee WH, Tu YH, P. Sansom MS, Liman ER, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1038/s41594-019-0235-9
bioRxiv Feb. 6, 2019

Otopetrins (Otop1-Otop3) comprise one of only two known eukaryotic proton-selective channel families. Otop1 is required for formation of otoconia and is a candidate mammalian sour taste receptor. Here, we report cryo-EM structures of zebrafish Otop1 and chicken Otop3 in lipid nanodiscs. The structures reveal a dimeric architecture of Otopetrins with each subunit consisting of twelve transmembrane helices divided into structurally related N and C domains. Cholesterol-like molecules occupy various sites in Otop1 and Otop3 and occlude a cavernous central tunnel. Two hydrophilic vestibules, as well as the intrasubunit interface between N and C domains, form conduits for water entry into the membrane plane in molecular dynamics simulations, suggesting they each could provide pathways for proton conduction. We also demonstrate the functional relevance of a salt bridge in the C domain vestibule by mutagenesis. Our results provide a structural basis for understanding the function of the Otopetrin proton channel family.

Similarities and differences between native HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein trimers and stabilized soluble trimer mimetics

Torrents de la Peña A, Rantalainen K, Cottrell CA, Allen JD, van Gils MJ, Torres JL, Crispin M, Sanders RW, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007920
bioRxiv Dec. 18, 2018

The HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein (Env) trimer is located on the surface of the virus and is the target of broadly neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs). Recombinant native-like soluble Env trimer mimetics, such as SOSIP trimers, have taken a central role in HIV-1 vaccine research aimed at inducing bNAbs. We therefore performed a direct and thorough comparison of a full-length native Env trimer containing the transmembrane domain and the cytoplasmic tail, with the sequence matched soluble SOSIP trimer, both based on an early Env sequence (AMC011) from an HIV+ individual that developed bNAbs. The structures of the full-length AMC011 trimer bound to either bNAb PGT145 or PGT151 were very similar to the structures of SOSIP trimers. Antigenically, the full-length and SOSIP trimers were comparable, but in contrast to the full-length trimer, the SOSIP trimer did not bind at all to non-neutralizing antibodies, most likely as a consequence of the intrinsic stabilization of the SOSIP trimer. Furthermore, the glycan composition of full-length and SOSIP trimers was similar overall, but the SOSIP trimer possessed slightly less complex and less extensively processed glycans, which may relate to the intrinsic stabilization as well as the absence of the membrane tether. These data provide insights into how to best use and improve membrane-associated full-length and soluble SOSIP HIV-1 Env trimers as immunogens.

Chimpanzee SIV Envelope trimer: structure and deployment as an HIV vaccine template

Andrabi R, Pallesen J, Allen J, Song G, Zhang J, de Val N, Gegg G, Porter K, Su CY, Pauthner M, Newman A, Bouton-Vervelle H, Garces F, Wilson IA, Crispin M, Hahn BH, Haynes BF, Verkoczy L, Ward AB, Burton DR
Now Published: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.04.082
bioRxiv Nov. 1, 2018

Epitope-targeted HIV vaccine design seeks to focus antibody responses to broadly neutralizing antibody (bnAb) sites by sequential immunization. Chimpanzee SIV Envelope (Env) shares a single bnAb site, the V2-apex, with HIV, suggesting its possible utility in an HIV immunization strategy. Accordingly, we generated a chimpanzee SIV Env trimer, MT145K, which displays selective binding to HIV V2-apex bnAbs and precursor versions, but no binding to other HIV specificities. We determined the structure of the MT145K trimer by cryo-EM and showed its architecture was remarkably similar to HIV Env. Immunization of an HIV V2-apex bnAb precursor Ab-expressing knock-in mouse with chimpanzee MT145K trimer induced HIV V2-specific neutralizing responses. Subsequent boosting with an HIV trimer cocktail induced responses exhibiting some virus cross-neutralization. Overall, the chimpanzee MT145K trimer behaves as expected from design both in vitro and in vivo and is an attractive potential component of a sequential immunization regimen to induce V2-apex bnAbs.

Vaccine-induced protection from homologous Tier 2 simian-human immunodeficiency virus challenge in nonhuman primates

Pauthner MG, Nkolola JP, Havenar-Daughton C, Murrell B, Reiss SM, Bastidas R, Prévost J, Nedellec R, von Bredow B, Abbink P, Cottrell CA, Kulp DW, Tokatlian T, Nogal B, Bianchi M, Li H, Lee JH, Butera ST, Evans DT, Hangartner L, Finzi A, Wilson IA, Wyatt RT, Irvine DJ, Schief WR, Ward AB, Sanders RW, Crotty S, Shaw GM, Barouch DH, Burton DR
Now Published: 10.1016/j.immuni.2018.11.011
bioRxiv Oct. 29, 2018

Passive administration of HIV neutralizing antibodies (nAbs) can protect macaques from hard-to-neutralize (Tier 2) chimeric simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) challenge. However, conditions for nAb-mediated protection following vaccination have not been established. Here, we selected groups of 6 rhesus macaques with either high or low serum nAb titers from a total of 78 animals immunized with recombinant native-like (SOSIP) Env trimers from the BG505 HIV isolate. Repeat intrarectal challenge with homologous Tier 2 SHIVBG505 led to rapid infection in unimmunized and low-titer animals. In contrast, high-titer animals demonstrated protection that was gradually lost as nAb titers waned over weeks to months. From these results, we determined that an autologous serum ID50 nAb titer of ~1:500 was required to afford over 90% protection from medium-dose SHIV infection. We further identified autologous nAb titers, but not ADCC or T cell activity, as strong correlates of protection. These results provide proof-of-concept that Env protein-based vaccination strategies can protect against hard-to-neutralize SHIV challenge in rhesus macaques by inducing Tier 2 nAbs, provided appropriate neutralizing titers can be reached and maintained.

Potent anti-influenza H7 human monoclonal antibody induces separation of hemagglutinin receptor binding head domains

Turner HL, Pallesen J, Lang S, Bangaru S, Urata S, Li S, Cottrell CA, Bowman CA, Crowe JE, Wilson IA, Ward AB
Now Published: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000139
bioRxiv Oct. 5, 2018

Seasonal influenza virus infections can cause significant morbidity and mortality, but the threat from emergence of a new pandemic influenza strain might have potentially even more devastating consequences. As such, there is intense interest in isolating and characterizing potent neutralizing antibodies that target the hemagglutinin (HA) viral surface glycoprotein. Here, we use cryo-electron microscopy to decipher the mechanism of action of a potent HA head-directed monoclonal antibody bound to an influenza H7 HA. The epitope of the antibody is not solvent accessible in the compact, pre-fusion conformation that typifies all HA structures to date. Instead, the antibody binds between HA head protomers to an epitope that must be partly or transiently exposed in the pre-fusion conformation. The “breathing” of the HA protomers is implied by the exposure of this epitope, which is consistent with metastability of class I fusion proteins. This structure likely therefore represents an early structural intermediate in the viral fusion process. Understanding the extent of transient exposure of conserved neutralizing epitopes also may lead to new opportunities to combat influenza that have not been appreciated previously. A transiently exposed epitope on influenza H7 hemagglutinin represents a new target for neutralizing antibodies.